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I Made It...

First off, I don't know if this went through last time, so if this did, and was deleted before, please PM me why it happened. But anyway.   I made this for another forum to use, too large to use here (though I downsized it for the other sites), but I finally did it. A few images ended up in the wrong places, like the logo should have been in the middle, but oh well.     Portal shall live forever...

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

I Know My Next Name

Yes, I know what I shall name myself next. If I wasn't so addicted to Rescue Force I wouldn't have named myself R1 (not going to try to spell the rest), but now that I'm writing Gekifury, I will call myself Black Lion Rio next time with the quote in my sig:   "As purely fierce as a lion, as powerful as a lion. The one destined to rule the world, my name is the Black Lion Rio."   And an avatar, likely this:   http://images.wikia.com/powerrangers/image...Lion_Ranger.gif   or this:   http://f

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

I Have A New Website!

A Tomica Hero Rescue Force RPG site, covering most of the site. But its a forum, so I can't tell any of you what it is. Sorry.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

I Hate Disney!

For multiple reasons, but let's just stick to this one, their site won't load for me to watch Power Rangers: Jungle Fury's episode for next Monday: Tigers Fall, Lions Rise. I don't want to wait till Monday if its about to be the season finale, and since the Griffon and Phoenix forms are used. I hate Disney now more than ever...

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

I Finished It!

I finished writing Legends of BIONICLE Part 8: Legacies of the Final Battle today. 32 chapters, 90 pages in 11 or 12 point font. It's finally finished.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

I Finally Have It!

Here     All eight books in one, I got it for $20 at our bookstore (bought it because the library didn't have books 2 or 8 anymore, and I only own 1, 3 and 4), each book is worth $5 too. Nice deal on it. I finally have the 8 books in Quest. Now I only need books 1 and 3 of Shadowlands, the second series which is a trilogy, or a set for it, and I have all four books in the last series, so no point in a box set for me.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Horrible Fate

If you read my last entry then you'd know that I had five or six classes in a row with the girl I wanted to see again. Unfortunatly yesterday in my Biology class that she would have been in, the teacher said she was removed from the seating chart, so she won't be there, I don't expect sympothy, but I continued to pray for months since I'm religious, and now I'm questioning in my prayers, why? Have I not been a worthy enough servent of my master, the Lord?   Edit: I forgot this earlier. I've

Grey Snow

Grey Snow


Most of my stuff is going on Hiatus for the time. I have this reason for each piece of work I'm doing:   MOC's of Lightstone: Still working, not affected Siege of the Tower of Toa: I may not end up making this Rebirth of Chaos: I'm done with it, not working anymore for the main reason below and I've lost interest in it Shadows of Destiny: I lost like seven chapters of stuff and about 30 pages, so give me time... Naruto: Still working, I have many chapters to post, but I'm on other work rig

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

He Rises(naked)!

Storm Logan rises naked from the ocean today! You know what that means? Dream sequence/hillusination!

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Harper's Island Finale

The finale aired tonight. And I must say, it was amazing.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Henry was the killer-Wakefield's son. My theory was right that means, although the kills weren't a result of blacking out, like he said he did when JD died, but he did it on purpose. He told Trish, before he kills her, that he killed her father and JD because they could ruin the wedding, or something along those lines. This later proves to be seemingly false, since he was just using

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Great Site And Images...

I can't say the site name since I think it has forums, but it's fun and I get cool images, like this one in the Code Lyoko RPG:     And this from another forum for an RPG:     Fun site...and I'll try to find if it does have forums so I can say it...possibly...

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Great Quotes From House Md

House MD, great show, I've become somewhat obsessed with it. Some of my favorite quotes, they are all also in my quote content block.   [Cuddy pulls the guitar cord out of the amp]   Dr. Cuddy: You've spent the last two weeks doing absolutely nothing. Concert's over.   Dr. House: In what twisted universe does mastering Eddie Van Halen's two-handed arpeggio technique count as absolutely nothing?     Dr. House: Imagine that the roof of the storage closet collapses on your favorite floor bu

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Great Mata Nui Theory

A great theory I developed in the Status topic.     The island would be the head/face         And something from Greg.         Beyond stating he has a physical body, I am not allowed to discuss Mata Nui's appearance. As far as the Maori evidence goes, I was not involved with BIONICLE when the original names were chosen, so I have no idea if those names were chosen on purpose or at random because someone liked how they sounded. Certainly some names, like Tahu, seem to have been chose

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Goodbye Toonami

Farewell. I may not have watched much of you anymore, but you hold great memories.   I remember watching you weekdays, watching G Gundam, .Hack//Sign (I believe was on weekend Toonami), Rurouni Kenshin, all leading me to buy the series on DVD not too long ago, over fifteen discs in all for these three series. I also remember Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragon Ball and its incarnations and more.   I remember the miniseries where the ship was overrun, leading to a new Tom as host.   I remember.   So,

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Gone For A While

I will be gone for a while, only on and active for a few days a week. I still have my computer, but no more access to the internet from it, so I can still write my epics and short stories, but I can only get acess to the internet at school where I check my PMs daily, and at my towns public library about three times a week average. So if I am slow in responding to anything or posting in RPG's, or anything else forgive me. I will try to get a new computer I can use the internet on soon, it may

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Give Me Suggestions, Please

Ok, for the epic I'm writing, Power Rangers: Gekifury, I need some help. For those of you not familiar, there are martial arts, the Fists, the evil side is Confrontation Beast Fist (from the Japanese Gekiranger), not sure what the Jungle Fury version is called, if anything. The good side is Fierce Beast Fist (Pai Schwa? something like that in English). In it I decided instead of just animal based fighting styles, I'd also use virtue based styles. If anyone could help me decide what the diff

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Gelu Is Latin

So, I was looking for a Latin name to use for my Bara Magna Chronicles. Turns out that "frost" in Latin is "Gelu".   Interesting, since apparently Malum means "evil" or something of the sort as well.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Game With Associations

A game.   Let's say I start by saying anime, the next person posts what comes to mind first, like manga, and it keeps going.   I'll start with:   Anime

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Four Day Weekend

Well, tommorow, Wednesday the 24th is my last day of school for the week, which means four day weekend. Thursday I get to stay home, Friday through Sunday we'll be at Lacrosse Wisconsin visiting friends, and I can get a Karzahni set there since there's a Toys R'Us store there. I might not be able to get on BZPower much, but I should be able to get on for some time, maybe about a fourth of the time I normally would on a weekend that I'd be home.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow


Well I finally got my Barraki Pre-Pit artwork up. Only sketches for now, but I hope to get the finals up soon. The other thing I'm working on at the time is a custom avatar for myself and then a personal photo, my avatar is nearly completed, I'll just need to make it a final from the sketch I have already. I hope I can get my avatar up as a good one and put in my signiture that I could make them for others who would want one similar, and hopefully I can get better with help from Lady Kopaka.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Figure It Out...

Figure out what these are from, they aren't from something different, each from the same, so try to figure it out:                

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

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