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Sleeping Problems



Why is it that it seems like a ton of people on BZP have problems sleeping? Thinking back to Brickeens blog post a month ago or whatever, and it seemed like so many people either couldn't sleep well or fall asleep easily. Why is that? I mean, teenage guys should be the poster child for sleep. We should be able to sleep with a train driving by on each side on an electrified chair in hail. Well, maybe not, but whatever.


Personally, I sleep really well. Why don't you guys? Or was it just the sleeplackers that I've seen comments from?


Night Fury


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I think it's that blogging "I slept well" isn't all that interesting; sleeping problems are more blog-worthy.


Speaking of sleep, I'm going to miss it when school starts up again. =|



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I, for one, never get to sleep before... usually 3 in the morning. Whether or not that is common amongst BZPers, I don't know, but it's definitely a trait of mine.


I don't know, Shadix, perhaps you just cross all the insomniacs.

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I generally don't get to sleep before 11 but that's because I'm drawing or something like that... once I try to go to sleep, I'm out before a single song is over. :shrugs:


Night Fury

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The only sleeping problem I have is that my alarm clock won't wake me up. :P


As for me, on a school night, Around 11-12 because of my habit to start homework late.

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Perhaps BZP attracts a disproportionate number of insomniacs, just like it seems to attract a disproportionate number of homeschoolers.

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I have some sleep problems. Like, I lie in bed for almost twenty minutes before I fall asleep. I also enjoy scary, vivid dreams, if thats a sleeping problem.

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I have some sleep problems. Like, I lie in bed for almost twenty minutes before I fall asleep. I also enjoy scary, vivid dreams, if thats a sleeping problem.

That's not exactly a sleeping problem... either of them.

And Kal, it's true :P


Night Fury

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Because most of the Bzpower are teens. Teens produce the hormonal to sleep later than older people, and that's why they sleep late and wake up late.

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