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My Year

Lady Kopaka


2011 is going to be -my- year. I'm not going to tolerate it running me over anymore. I have lots of things planned for this year. And so far my resolutions are:

  • improve my health: exercise (can has parkour?), better food, and relentlessly stalk doctors until they find a solution for me
  • draw more, even if it's just doodling everyday work on those commissions, and start that danged webcomic.
  • work toward better grades in college
  • find a decent paying job, and start seriously digging into art opportunities
  • write! write! write!
  • get a tattoo
  • go to brickfair or a similar gathering!
  • become more active on BZP
  • improve on my lack of social skills--get out, and trust people more
  • get my own place
that's pretty much it. I don't really do resolutions, but it's a decent to-do list. those are large, undefined goals, but I plan to take it all one step at a time and try my best to improve my life.


as a added bonus, this was my last 2010 drawing:



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You go, I support ^^ And anything get's in the way, I'll play tank too.


But what kind of tattoo are we talking about here? I am curious now.

I'm not sure, but I've been wanting one for a long time. Not going to rush it and regret it though; going to take my time and find something meaningful.

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Wooo Hoo Go Lady Kay!


I hope all that woks out, you're way overdue for some good luck, and stalking the doctors till you get some sort of solution seems like the perfect way to do it =D


I'll pull support with Vezok's Friend here too =D

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I do hope that you get to do all of the things you wanna do, because you need a change for the better, and with your determination, you will have a change. A change for the better.

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I hope you find a way to get better and that artwork is wonderful I love the style you did with this artwork and how long did this take you to make miss ?

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I hope you find a way to get better and that artwork is wonderful I love the style you did with this artwork and how long did this take you to make miss ?

About thirty minutes.

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Color tattoos become ugly blobs of colored, wrinkly skin when you're old. Black and white tattoos become ugly blobs gray wrinkly skin when you're old. Personally, I wouldn't want a blob of colored or gray wrinkly ugly skin when I'm old. That's the reason why I'm never going to get a tattoo.


At least, that's one of my reasons. :P

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Color tattoos become ugly blobs of colored, wrinkly skin when you're old. Black and white tattoos become ugly blobs gray wrinkly skin when you're old. Personally, I wouldn't want a blob of colored or gray wrinkly ugly skin when I'm old. That's the reason why I'm never going to get a tattoo.


At least, that's one of my reasons. :P

It's a good reason--of course, I'll get the tattoo(s) in logical places so when I do have ugly wrinkly skin, they won't show. No way am I going to show my whole arm and legs when I get like that, if you follow me.


I've always thought about getting a tattoo, but I have a pretty low pain tolerance. :P

I am incredibly sensitive, so I'm slightly mad in wanting one...so we'll see how that will work out.

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Color tattoos become ugly blobs of colored, wrinkly skin when you're old. Black and white tattoos become ugly blobs gray wrinkly skin when you're old. Personally, I wouldn't want a blob of colored or gray wrinkly ugly skin when I'm old. That's the reason why I'm never going to get a tattoo.


Ditto. They're a bad a idea and not really worth the money in my opinion.

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Color tattoos become ugly blobs of colored, wrinkly skin when you're old. Black and white tattoos become ugly blobs gray wrinkly skin when you're old. Personally, I wouldn't want a blob of colored or gray wrinkly ugly skin when I'm old. That's the reason why I'm never going to get a tattoo.


At least, that's one of my reasons. :P

It's a good reason--of course, I'll get the tattoo(s) in logical places so when I do have ugly wrinkly skin, they won't show. No way am I going to show my whole arm and legs when I get like that, if you follow me.


I've always thought about getting a tattoo, but I have a pretty low pain tolerance. :P

I am incredibly sensitive, so I'm slightly mad in wanting one...so we'll see how that will work out.

Madness? THIS... IS... SUE!!!


All the best in the new year. Those are some excellent goals and I know you can achieve them! The health, tattoo, and getting out more are items that I also share on my mental list of goals. :)


THIS IS IT. It's the year we claim our lives back and start living the way we've always wished to. With Oomph! and Yeah! We are the ones we've been waiting for! YEAH! *fists in the air!*





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Guys, if you don't like tattoos, don't got barging into the entry of someone else who wants one and start badmouthing them. That's just plain rude. I don't like country music, but do you see me going to country music boards and posting how bad I think it is? Seriously folks, learn some manners.


@LadyK: Rah rah rah! Cheering you on for a very good year to come! You can do it! :)

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Guys, if you don't like tattoos, don't got barging into the entry of someone else who wants one and start badmouthing them. That's just plain rude. I don't like country music, but do you see me going to country music boards and posting how bad I think it is? Seriously folks, learn some manners.


@LadyK: Rah rah rah! Cheering you on for a very good year to come! You can do it!


it's all right, everyone has their opinions...but you do have a point. just because you want a tattoo/have one, doesn't mean you're wasting money, going to regret it, etc. My oldest sister has a beautiful one on her arm and as far as I know, likes it, while her husband has a lot on him and he wishes he could take them off. I'm not going to rush it, but if I did it, it would be for a special reason.

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Have a great New Year, Lady K! :lol:


If you really must have a tattoo and are worried about how it may look later in life, I would recommend seeing a tattoist who uses Freedom2 ink. If you have any regrets or the picture just turns out botched, you could have it removed much more easily than with regular ink tattoos. ;)


Have fun going through your to-do list! ^_^



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