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Retrospective Outlook (aka, 2010 Recap)

Vezok's Friend


I guess I am jumping aboard the bandwagon here and will sum up the last year for a bit as well, and also what it means for this year.


Simply put, last year has been great. It has been a year of fun and a year of healing for me. A few that I let in more closely knew that the previous 2 years have been rough.

I finished college and went through a pretty emotional mayhem at the same time, with anger, desperation, love and all that jazz coming and going as they pleased.

That lasted through civil service, which was good because it numbed out all the other junk going on. I am very thankful that there were so many friends who put up with and helped me then. You know who you are and I thank you all deeply, even if you were just lending an ear from time to time or dropping a friendly comment.


The steady income was nice too and I saved up over 10k in that time. Some of that was from my Grandparents who always told me to save it up for "something special".

When I applied for my design-school luck came to me. The course I applied for took me, but would only start in the winter-semester. With civil service being finished before the summer I was faced with 6 months and nothing to do.

My parents suggested looking for a part-time job. I wanted that "something special".


The rest is a story that reached it's climax when I actually made it to Brickfair 2010, after a trip of adventures, lots of Hostels and most importantly awesome time hanging out with some of the most wonderful people I have met so far. It wouldn't have been the same without you and while hanging out with me can be tedious at times (mainly due to me) I want to thank you all again for letting me stay or just hanging out.


The trip really recharged the batteries and that uneasiness and unhappiness I dragged with me from 08 probably got dumped in the Pacific somewhere or lost it's way in the Rockies.


Back home I started my gamedesign course. I do not know how this came to be so awesome, but I have never missed a day there and I enjoy going there every day since it started. Our teachers are cool and the people from the course are likewise very awesome.


All that set the scene for this year. And I am pretty much ready to tackle anything now, thanks to quite a few of you.


I have my resolutions too, but this entry is already long enough for my tastes.


So with that let me wrap this up, apollogize for not writing more coherently and thank you all again for being this awesome. I hope 2011 has good things in store for you! :)


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