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Why The Inception Ending Was Real



For all of you who haven't seen the movie Inception, I highly recommend you DO NOT OPEN THE SPOILER TAGS. It includes details for the end of the movie. Also, if you haven't seen it, go watch it. Just hit Redbox last Tuesday if you have them in your area.


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Alright, we all know that at the end of Inception the directors were mean and didn't allow us to see if Dobb's top to topple over. So we are not quite sure if it's real or not. Here are my reasons why it's REAL:


-It picked right back up where it left off, following the plane arriving, customs, security, meeting his dad, baggage, and then we arrive home. It's not like the dreams where you "just appear half way through".

-The dad had a reason to be in LA.

-When they got home, the kids were playing in a different location on the lawn in a different position (slightly, but it's noticeable)

-The kids didn't necessarily get much older than when he last saw them, as we don't know how long it's been. Obviously not long enough for the kids to accept his final departure.

-You see the kids faces. THAT'S a biggy.

-The top spins for a long time naturally.

-Right before it cuts to black, the top spins and wavers hard back and forth, preluding a fall.

-From the fall of the top after Ariadne's second dream (after Mal stabs her in the dream), we follow the story close enough and watch them enter AND exit dreams.



So, what do you guys think?


Night Fury


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Arguing about the ending of Inception is like arguing about whether Deckard was a replicant or not. It was purposefully left ambiguous for the viewer to draw his or her answers from. There is no 'true' or 'right answer and those that try to justify whatever view they hold are just being silly.

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Arguing about the ending of Inception is like arguing about whether Deckard was a replicant or not. It was purposefully left ambiguous for the viewer to draw his or her answers from. There is no 'true' or 'right answer and those that try to justify whatever view they hold are just being silly.

Life would be so boring without silly people. :)

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I don't think you're supposed to think about it that much. I personally find the ending fine-- It keeps you thinking.
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Even though it's meant to be ambiguous, I don't even think it matters. The point is that Cobb forgave himself and found his way back to his children. Whether it's real or not isn't the point- Cobb thinks it's real, and that's what matters.

(in my opinion)

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I strongly disagree with the last point. If that had been resolved, it would have been a pretty weak ending, I feel, but by not knowing, you're just continuing to feel wowed by it all at the end, making you think. If the thinking's done for you, it kinda defeats the purpose of the whole film. All good films make you think, not just thrust the platter in front of you and make you consume.


As for whether it IS real or not...I really am of the mind it isn't, but we'll never know.



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I may be silly, pointless discussion, but I see no real problem in it.


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You have to remember, there's a reason that we never got the full picture. There's a reason we never saw the kids' faces, and never saw the full dream. Cobb wouldn't allow himself to see it. If you recall the scene, close to the end, where Mal is trying to convince him that he should stay in the "Limbo," she calls to the children to prove they are real. They start to turn. He looks away, and covers his eyes. He could have looked straight into their faces. His subconscious could have filled in their features any way he had imagined, as it would be possible if the final scene was a dream. The thing is, dreams don't always happen the same way twice. Memories can be warped. Anything can look anyway you want it to.


Something that ought to boost the side in favor of reality, though: You know exactly where Cobb has been. That most likely means he does, too. Dreams are supposed to start you right in the middle of the action, but everything seems in place. Everything seems traceable... Seems...


You get what this all is, though. It's all going in circles. Neither your argument nor mine proves either side true or false completely, but just adds more ambiguity to the situation. As previous posters have said, it's one of those things that wasn't meant to be discussed or solved.



However, in all honesty, I'd like to see it be his reality. He came so far, I'm not going to let a cliffhanger dispel my belief that he's finally home. :talk2hand: But like Phyoohrii said, this was a great ending, to have left us so clueless. I would go so far to say that that was one of the best endings to a movie I have ever seen in a movie, because it left such an impact in all of us who watched it.



Now, on an almost completely unrelated note, I have an interesting story on how things come full circle. The actress who plays Mal, Marion Cotillard, also played the French singer Edith Piaf in the 2007 movie La Vie en Rose. This was the very singer that wrote and sang the song "Non, je ne regrette rien" - the very song the extractors use to let them know their time is up.



You weren't expecting all that, were you, now? B)

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Yes, this is a silly and pointless argument. THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT SO AWESOME.

Anyways Kal, I knew you'd have good things to say and you always have you try to disprove my beliefs :P


But yeah, there is no real way for sure to know. That's up to us.


Night Fury

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