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Recommend To Phy



While no one actually recommended it to me, I have to thank the members of BZPower for pointing me in the direction of MSPaint Adventures. I got to the most recent one, not realising it was the most recent one (It was a flash one too), and I was horrified to see no more links forward, and I was all I want more. D: So thank you guys and girls. Which gave me this idea...


SO, the purpose of this entry, in a similar vain to the Ask Phy entry, I want YOU, BZPower members, to recommend stuff to me. Anything at all. The only rules are...

  • It is not illegal/immoral/unethical.
  • It is not horror movies.
  • It is not console games.
  • It is not something else I'm not particularly open or in to. I'll add more if I think of anything.

So yeah, recommend stuff to me, and I'll add it to a list. Then I might actually look into some new stuff. That'd be swell. Then I'll come back here and make a point of talking about something you've recommended. Alright, awesome. So, tell me stuff I should try out!



  • More Openness - Ongoing
  • Toast?
  • Tobuscus' Literal Trailers
  • Nothing Else Matters (Symphony & Metallica Version in particular)
  • Iron and Wine - The Shepard's Dog - Endless Numbered Days
  • Five Second Films
  • Minecraft Survival
  • Minecraft Survival Multiplayer
  • Super Meat Boy Soundtrack
  • Mirror's Edge Soundtrack
  • Deus Ex & Deus Ex Human Revolutions Soundtrack
  • Portal 2 Soundtrack
  • Halo Soundtracks
  • Assassin's Creed Soundtracks
  • The Pogues



Recommended Comments

I recommend you to Try Toast.


Also to watch The literal Trailers made by Tobuscus on a certain video hosting site.

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I recommend you to Try Toast.


Also to watch The literal Trailers made by Tobuscus on a certain video hosting site.

Toast? Like the bread all cooked and stuff? Because I've tried that a few times now, it's pretty good.


Hahaha, yeah, checked those out SINCE YOU RECOMMENDED IT TO ME OMG. Only watched the movie ones, but haha, they're so good. Like most people on certain video hosting site, though, they're ego bleeds into everything. But that hardly matters, they're sweet.


I recommend you try being more open. :P

*rolls eyes* Let's say this one's ongoing, aight?



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This needs more attention. :P


Well, I am actually quite tempted to recommend a Metallica song despite your statement of no metal. See, when you say that it makes me want to recommend it to you even more. The song itself is got to be the least metal-ly Metallica song I can think of and it has a wonderful message (and awesome music). So, if you will allow me (and take SPIRIT's recomendation to be more open) I will recommend it too you. :)


As for other things... well, have you ever heard of Iron & Wine? :D



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OK, sure, go for it. Mreh, I can't really stop people from recommending things to me, can I? It's just whether I take it up and have a look.


As for Iron and Wine, I haven't before, am listening now, on the video hosting site place thing. Heard 'Naked As We Come', 'Boy With A Coin' and 'Lion's Mane' so far. I've got to say, acoustic artists are not usually on the top of my list, because I usually don't find them exciting enough. This guy's got some great guitar and vocals though. I'll give him more of a listen, for sure. Any songs/albums you recommend in particular from him?



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OK, sure, go for it. Mreh, I can't really stop people from recommending things to me, can I? It's just whether I take it up and have a look.


As for Iron and Wine, I haven't before, am listening now, on the video hosting site place thing. Heard 'Naked As We Come', 'Boy With A Coin' and 'Lion's Mane' so far. I've got to say, acoustic artists are not usually on the top of my list, because I usually don't find them exciting enough. This guy's got some great guitar and vocals though. I'll give him more of a listen, for sure. Any songs/albums you recommend in particular from him?




Alright! I just wanted to be sure, it is your blog after all and I don't want to mess it up. B) Anyway, the song is titled "Nothing Else Matters." I highly recommend listening to the Symphony & Metallica version of the song. It's really astounding. You could probably find it by searching something like "Metallica - Nothing Else Matters (S&M)." Hope you enjoy it if you do go and check it out.


I really love Iron and Wine. Probably one of my favorite artists. My personal favorite album is The Shepard's Dog. You'd probably prefer it because it has quite a lot less acoustic guitar, although he still stays true to his style, so it's quite good. My second favorite would probably have to be Our Endless Numbered Days, but that's got quite a lot of acoustic playing.


As for specific songs... I'd say it depends on a lot. His lyrics are so unique and completely open to a ton of interpretation by the listener. It's a matter of personal opinion, but I'd say that musically I really love "House By The Sea" but don't really care to much for my interpretation of the lyrics. The opposite is true with "Resurrection Fern", the lyrics to which I adore because of the meaning I take from them.


A good combination of the two would be "White Tooth Man." It has good music and I draw an interesting story from the lyrics.


Can't wait to hear more of your thoughts on all this! ^^





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>Phyoohrii: Play Minecraft Survival.

>Phyoohrii: Play Minecraft Survival Multiplayer.

>Phyoohrii: Don't be disappointed.


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FIVE SECOND FILMSEach film takes literally five seconds.Some of it's NSFBZP though ://
So checked these out at last. Well, some. I got kind of bored of the concept pretty quickly, some funny ones, but it's just too short. Some funny actors and writing though.



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