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Mind = Blown



And not in a good way.


The Profile Topic for the BZPRPG is mind boggling. My feet are getting a bit chilled, I don't want to fall into those traps. o_o


So many contradictions. So many.


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Thankfully, Hoji does no contradict Hoji. Most characters seem to have several opposing dispositions as key character traits, with no explanation of insanity.
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There really isn't any pointing out going on yet...


... And I doubt there will be, as targeting a single member would be rude, I suppose. :P


I'm commenting on the general fact that no one seems to be proofreading their profiles and saying "Has this really been far as decided to make sense?"


The answer is generally "no."

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Yeah, and also just some really confusing stuff.


Like, "really angry all the time, blames himself for the death of every person" but he's also "really friendly, a great leader, everyone likes him."






Edit: In addition, the word "surprisingly" is thrown around a lot in places where it really doesn't fit.


But I guess we're all amateurs here so I should lay off. They'll get better if they stick with it. (Not talking down here, I'm not a great writer either and while I've got better playing RPGs and writing short stories over the past few years I have lots much of room for improvement.

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Like, "really angry all the time, blames himself for the death of every person" but he's also "really friendly, a great leader, everyone likes him."

"Hey, sir, can I have a cookie? I love you so much!"


"Love you too, sir!"

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I didn't do that did I? I don't think I did... maybe the loner thing, but I haven't even decided if I'm using K'ous yet.

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Did I do that with my characters (Raiada and Ajoraaq)? Here's a link to my post in the Profiles Topic. (Speaking of which, I need to jump into the game, huh.)


Anyway, I'd like to point out that some of the things that can occasionally be considered contradictions can also be facets to one's personality. For instance, I know a lot of people who can be quite rude, vulgar, or humorous in certain company, but well-behaved and quiet or nerdy in other cases.


As for the "loner" issue, I suppose that people want to have excuses to have a relatively fresh start. Or something.


~ BioGaia

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I didn't :???: at your profiles, if that means anything. :P


True, but sometimes profiles are just piles of word mush that don't even make sense grammatically.

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I didn't :???: at your profiles, if that means anything. :P


True, but sometimes profiles are just piles of word mush that don't even make sense grammatically.

1. I'm not certain how much it means, but I'll assume it's at least sort-of positive. :wacko: I suppose the question is: Did you :wacko: or :blink:, etc.?


2. As for that, I definitely agree; it's just that sometimes a character can be ever so slightly inconsistent without being contradictory--but only when written particularly well.


~ BioGaia

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I agree, an overly consistent character falls flat. But unless they have multiple personality disorder, some of these profiles are... um.


You're profiles cause no surge of negative emotion in my braaain.

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You're profiles cause no surge of negative emotion in my braaain.

I still don't get how people can mistake You're for Your. The other way around, I kinda understand. But not this.

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You're profiles cause no surge of negative emotion in my braaain.

I still don't get how people can mistake You're for Your. The other way around, I kinda understand. But not this.

oooohhhh nooooo I'm sick and have a headache have forgiveness. ;_;


just a typo, nothing to see hear


edit bwahahaha wow that's pathetic right there


i'm gonna leave it because it's funny in a sad way

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You're profiles cause no surge of negative emotion in my braaain.

I still don't get how people can mistake You're for Your. The other way around, I kinda understand. But not this.

oooohhhh nooooo I'm sick and have a headache have forgiveness. ;_;

I'm torn between being forgiving and Vriska-ing my way through this.


...Screw it, nice guy wins. I forgive you. You being sick, and all.

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