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The One Bzp Rule I Hate.



And the winner is the revival rule.


I don't see any basic use of it IMO. It's just there so people who don't remember old threads will, um let's say... they close the topics because they don't remember them? And so what if someone posts in them? They are a topic, and they are fine.


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There are some forums and topics where it makes sense (e.g. a theory in S&T based on knowledge we had in 2005), but I will agree that there are many instances where it seems pretty pointless.

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Had not thought about that. I guess it's pretty fine there, and I am happy there's is none in the Library, but yeah, it's sometimes pointless.

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nah man, it's all about seeing the same GD topics pop up every few months so people can post the exact same things they posted many times before
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Well it certainly keeps the search for duplicate topics simpler.


Ditto. I'd rather not sift through ten pages just to find a topic made forty days ago so I can post in it.

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Solid points, but still. If there's a topic of yours, who you don't want to be revived, because it's a project or something that has valuable posts in it, why should you repost it each time 30 days pass without a post?

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