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I'm a fairly tech savvy guy. My computer breaks, I can fix it. People seek me out when they can't figure something out. When it comes to Javascript, though, I'm pretty sure that's powered by black sorcery.


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Black sorcery, white sorcery, yellow-and-red striped sorcery... it's all the same in the end, isn't it? Witchcraft. And anything pertaining to witchcraft should be hunted down and locked away.


In all seriousness: I've learned some JavaScript, and it isn't too bad. I still prefer straight XHTML and CSS, though. Hopefully PHP will enter my knowledge in the future.

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Java is one of the most bloody minded computer languages out there.


That said, those who wield it to it's maximum potential are either wizards or geniuses

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Black sorcery, white sorcery, yellow-and-red striped sorcery... it's all the same in the end, isn't it? Witchcraft. And anything pertaining to witchcraft should be hunted down and locked away.

Are you anti-Harry Potter, then?


*hunts you down*



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In all seriousness: I've learned some JavaScript, and it isn't too bad. I still prefer straight XHTML and CSS, though. Hopefully PHP will enter my knowledge in the future.


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Black sorcery, white sorcery, yellow-and-red striped sorcery... it's all the same in the end, isn't it? Witchcraft. And anything pertaining to witchcraft should be hunted down and locked away.

Are you anti-Harry Potter, then?


*hunts you down*




I fail to see how a series of fiction novels can be considered witchcraft.


(Also, Harry Potter is one of my favorite book series, so don't you dare hunt me down. >:()


In all seriousness: I've learned some JavaScript, and it isn't too bad. I still prefer straight XHTML and CSS, though. Hopefully PHP will enter my knowledge in the future.




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