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I've decided to make this so everyone'll stop spamming BLUH BLUH HUGE EMPORIUM for crying out loud. :P Anyway, yeah, we're a continuity. Woo. You can find a link to most of our work in the sidebar of banners, though I'll be adding more periodically. Any and all NGC discussion goes here.



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I find this funny.

I asked to join the second ithe original NGC application, but in the middle of my PM the joining was closed.

The second time, I wasn't even on the internet.

Man, am I unlucky XD.

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Dang, think about how much trouble I caused posting in this blog when I could of just PMed Shad. >.< Sorry.

Bluh. Trouble's my middle name. Yep, they call me #### "Trouble" ### where I come from. Eh, not really, but you get the idea. :P


LOL. They call me "That %&$#@! Little Kid" where I come from, though I'm taller than most of them. XD

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Jack Noir.. I thought you were in the NGC alreadyz

No. Not me, the other X on BZP.

as in, the X from Wikia Nui. I sent in a request right after he joined and that's right when the first application was closed. I fail XD

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We recorded episode 3 (because episode 2 was stabbed repeatedly in the chest) of the NGCast, and I'm pumped to say the software decided to WORK this time! :P Biocry'll be editing, and many thanks to him, Gatotak, Kohu, Garda and our guest Darklight for making this an awesome episode! Also, I'm sad to say Autodude will be retiring from the podcast. We'll miss you, man. :(


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Everyone, Toa Spirit has been kind enough to update the NGC logo with Terton's new mask. (TERTOOOOOOOOOOOOOON)




If you haven't already uploaded this to your comics page, please do so now,


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Shad, just to let you know, I have made Twin Blade Terton the universal Terton. I may change in my own comics but I will keep the same appearence outside them (unless you get an idea for a way to use one of my forms after Twin Blade then I will send it to ya for that). This was you don't have to scream my name in hate anymore. :P
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Shad, just to let you know, I have made Twin Blade Terton the universal Terton. I may change in my own comics but I will keep the same appearence outside them (unless you get an idea for a way to use one of my forms after Twin Blade then I will send it to ya for that). This was you don't have to scream my name in hate anymore. :P

One more time? Please? Okay. ..TERTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON...! :P Also, I needs him in Chimoru Sixshade, Omega, Kal, and Rayg 2.5 still.


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Heeey...guys...bad news here...


Recently, my eternally slow Toshiba NB205 has been failing to start. That thing's always been fairly slow, but it hadn't had any major problems until now. This computer, notably, is my only access to GIMP and my primary storage of unfinished work.


As it turns out, apparently, these computers are known for having easily-failing motherboards. Lately I've been playing Minecraft on the computer, and the problem showed up around that time, so I think that was the straw that broke the camel's deformed back.


Long story short, it's $310 to get the motherboard replaced, but at this point, it probably makes more sense to just replace the thing entirely. Said replacement probably wouldn't happen for a month or two. I have a couple of offered contributions from family members, and my dad would probably cover the majority of the cost remaining (since, you know, it's for "school" :P) but it's still gonna take a while for me to scrape together the rest of the money.


My current laptop hasn't started once in the last 72 hours (and believe me, I've tried a couple hundred times), and that creates the possible problem of me not having acesss to GIMP, and losing a couple of files (most notably, a good chunk of my XRM files, although I'm not going to need those much longer anyway) for a couple of months. I'm not posting this in the topic because, obviously, it's closed.


The good news is, my hiatus has definitely re-energized my creative juices, so when I have more stable internet access in June or so, I hope to finally get a more stable comic schedule down. =D


One final note here-if I lose my XRM files to the failed computer, I'm not going to bother trying to recover them. I'll just move onto Chimoru, and recolor the few remaining PGSes who aren't in said kit yet (or otherwise dump that on Shad :P).


So I guess what I'm saying is, don't expect to see The Asylum back up for a month or two, and I probably won't be here much in general. I believe my parents said I'll know whether or not I'm getting a new computer by June 15th, so it shouldn't be too terribly long. I'll keep you posted, in any event.


Please don't kick me out yet Shad I promise I'll start doing work again soon .__.

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Heeey...guys...bad news here...


Recently, my eternally slow Toshiba NB205 has been failing to start. That thing's always been fairly slow, but it hadn't had any major problems until now. This computer, notably, is my only access to GIMP and my primary storage of unfinished work.


As it turns out, apparently, these computers are known for having easily-failing motherboards. Lately I've been playing Minecraft on the computer, and the problem showed up around that time, so I think that was the straw that broke the camel's deformed back.


Long story short, it's $310 to get the motherboard replaced, but at this point, it probably makes more sense to just replace the thing entirely. Said replacement probably wouldn't happen for a month or two. I have a couple of offered contributions from family members, and my dad would probably cover the majority of the cost remaining (since, you know, it's for "school" :P) but it's still gonna take a while for me to scrape together the rest of the money.


My current laptop hasn't started once in the last 72 hours (and believe me, I've tried a couple hundred times), and that creates the possible problem of me not having acesss to GIMP, and losing a couple of files (most notably, a good chunk of my XRM files, although I'm not going to need those much longer anyway) for a couple of months. I'm not posting this in the topic because, obviously, it's closed.


The good news is, my hiatus has definitely re-energized my creative juices, so when I have more stable internet access in June or so, I hope to finally get a more stable comic schedule down. =D


One final note here-if I lose my XRM files to the failed computer, I'm not going to bother trying to recover them. I'll just move onto Chimoru, and recolor the few remaining PGSes who aren't in said kit yet (or otherwise dump that on Shad :P).


So I guess what I'm saying is, don't expect to see The Asylum back up for a month or two, and I probably won't be here much in general. I believe my parents said I'll know whether or not I'm getting a new computer by June 15th, so it shouldn't be too terribly long. I'll keep you posted, in any event.


Please don't kick me out yet Shad I promise I'll start doing work again soon .__.

Nobody's kicking anybody out, Ddude...


Yet. :P


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Heeey...guys...bad news here...


Recently, my eternally slow Toshiba NB205 has been failing to start. That thing's always been fairly slow, but it hadn't had any major problems until now. This computer, notably, is my only access to GIMP and my primary storage of unfinished work.


As it turns out, apparently, these computers are known for having easily-failing motherboards. Lately I've been playing Minecraft on the computer, and the problem showed up around that time, so I think that was the straw that broke the camel's deformed back.


Long story short, it's $310 to get the motherboard replaced, but at this point, it probably makes more sense to just replace the thing entirely. Said replacement probably wouldn't happen for a month or two. I have a couple of offered contributions from family members, and my dad would probably cover the majority of the cost remaining (since, you know, it's for "school" :P) but it's still gonna take a while for me to scrape together the rest of the money.


My current laptop hasn't started once in the last 72 hours (and believe me, I've tried a couple hundred times), and that creates the possible problem of me not having acesss to GIMP, and losing a couple of files (most notably, a good chunk of my XRM files, although I'm not going to need those much longer anyway) for a couple of months. I'm not posting this in the topic because, obviously, it's closed.


The good news is, my hiatus has definitely re-energized my creative juices, so when I have more stable internet access in June or so, I hope to finally get a more stable comic schedule down. =D


One final note here-if I lose my XRM files to the failed computer, I'm not going to bother trying to recover them. I'll just move onto Chimoru, and recolor the few remaining PGSes who aren't in said kit yet (or otherwise dump that on Shad :P).


So I guess what I'm saying is, don't expect to see The Asylum back up for a month or two, and I probably won't be here much in general. I believe my parents said I'll know whether or not I'm getting a new computer by June 15th, so it shouldn't be too terribly long. I'll keep you posted, in any event.


Please don't kick me out yet Shad I promise I'll start doing work again soon .__.

Nobody's kicking anybody out, Ddude...


Yet. :P


Nooo please I have a family to feed and video games to buy D=

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