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And So It Begins..



Having just become a premier member I decide to finnally check out the blogs ,which I for some reason didn't really visit in the past,I have a feeling I'll be around here a lot now,so don't suprized to see me posting in your blog,even though I most likely haven't before.

That said (in case it was obvious enough to you :P ) I decided to start my own.


I plan to make near daily entries (Mata Nui knows I've got the time lately),also expect some new mocs and WIPs soon.

There is one queston that I want to ask you in my first entry though.

Recently I have seriously been considering changing my username,Hikari was the name of an old selfmoc,I've been considering changing it to that of my new one,Zatano.I'm not sure which one sounds better or if I maybe should just chage my current one a bit.

Opinions and suggestion would really help my decision.



Anyways thanks to anyone who reads this,thanks a lot.

:wakeup2: Sincerely,Toa Hikari :wakeup2:


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Congrats on finally going premier dude B)


anyways, you see those empty hearts next to blog titles? Click those and they'll shoot the blog to the top of you list and they'll be title favorite blogs. They are real nifty so you don't have to search through all these blogs ^_^.


Speaking of that *adds this blog* there we go :P


Oh and you should probably move your content blocks to the left. As so the sigs of people who have smaller computer sigs don't get overlapped. It's a real trouble sometimes :/


Lord Oblivion

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Congrats on finally going premier dude B)


anyways, you see those empty hearts next to blog titles? Click those and they'll shoot the blog to the top of you list and they'll be title favorite blogs. They are real nifty so you don't have to search through all these blogs ^_^.


Speaking of that *adds this blog* there we go :P


Oh and you should probably move your content blocks to the left. As so the sigs of people who have smaller computer sigs don't get overlapped. It's a real trouble sometimes :/


Lord Oblivion

Thanks for the tips,I'll do that :D .

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Heck yeah. Welcome to fort premier :P

Here's my approval.


As for the name change, I'd suggest something without 'Toa' in it. Make it something unique and preferably un-bionicle related.



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