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Writing Abcs

Riisiing Moon


Well, first of all, the House is back!


Now, onto more important business.


That's right, it's the House of the Rising Moon's very first contest, Writing ABCs! Hosted by yours truly, RM. You know, that guy in the title. Instructions are simple enough--first to write 27 SSs, the title of each beginning with a different letter of the alphabet and one more beginning any number (7, not Seven), wins! What what, you ask? Well, at the moment, only eternal glory, but if anyone's up for donating a prize or whipping up some banner, go for it.


Quick notes--The SSs have to be totally new. Nothing you've already written, nothing republished. Each SS, to qualify, has to be at least 700 words, and no maximum. Both COT and Bionicle SSs are allowed. No time limit--first to finish wins!


Well, what're you waiting for? Write!


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Zar--Yup, 'the' doesn't count, there's your Q.


Spawn--To be honest, not really sure at all. I mean, 'Writing ABCs Contest' in big, flashy letters, with some fancy, cool-looking design goin' on in the background works. Maybe a little phrase, or some action. My name's not necessary to include.

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I'm in.


BTW, I need spec's on what you want the banner to look like so I can pass it to SK, MI, or someone else. :3




I could also do it if they were too busy.


I made RMs head/ bottom banner.

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Oh, wow. This is going to take forever, but I'm sure it'll be worth it.


Just to clarify: Do any new stories written for other contests count towards this one?

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I regret to announce that I am going to have to resign from this. At least for this month. Life; namely the fact that I'm giving up the computer for a two week period - is cropping up a bit, so i won't have much time to write for the next month.

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...Wow. This is a mixture of insanity and awesomeness. It would be a great chance for inspiration to expand my Library...but I'm currently working on finishing an epic, and I have two more in the works. But I might participate when I finish that active epic in about a month....If I decide to join definitely, I'll let you know. :P Until then, good luck everyone, and spectacular idea RM!

Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:
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Glad to see you all going for this! Any technique'll do--quality, of course, is not required, but bear in mind this should be the kind of thing you can look back on and say, 'Wow, I wrote twenty-freaking-seven fantastic stories,' as opposed to, 'Hey Ma, go pick me up some lotion, RM got blisters on my typing fingers.'


Zar--Sad to see you go. :/ Pf course, even if you lose, you can always write twenty-seven random SSs. Why not?

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I have officially decided to participate, but first I have two inquiries:

First, hypothetically speaking, if I posted a topic titled "The Bula Chronicles: Nuances of a King," which was part of a series of Short Stories and/or Epics titled "The Bula Chronicles," hence the SS itself being titled as "Nuances of a King" despite the longer topic title, this would count as an N rather than a B, yes?

My second, less hypothetical question is: Would a complete rewrite of an old Short Story (or very short, horridly written Epic) be acceptable?

Thank you. :)

Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:
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Yeah, I'd count that as a 'N.'


And sure, a total renovation is perfectly okay. Try to change as much as possible, but no explicit limitation.

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Aw the Karz, I'm back in this. :/


Also, a question. I have about a half paragraph of a story written, and I wrote it before this contest was made. Can I still use that scrap or not?

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LW--Welcome to the games!


Zar--Yeah, long as you add onto it. Unpublished works are technically legitimate, though they kill the whole point--but what you're doing is such piling creativity on top of an old inspiration, which apparently you kept for storage anyways. No problem at all.

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