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Morgan And His Lego Sets



So I'm a fan of Chuck. And today's episode had a subplot involving Morgan trying to mature... kinda. Anyway, that's not important.


Morgan is showing off some of his Star Wars figures that are placed on the mantelpiece. Not toys; collectibles. And next to the really big ones are some smaller things. But one got my attention; it was the Attack in Cairo Indiana Jones Lego set!




So take that! Lego sets are in TV shows. And not just in kid's room; they're on the friggin mantelpiece! In the living room! In a spy's house! SO COOL!


Sadly, no Bionicle figures in sight. Maybe next week.




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And possibly better yet it sounds like it wasn't product placement, since the set is not longer available (otherwise they would have used something current like a new Star Wars set), so just shows how the producers (or maybe even just the actors setting this up) are fans themselves.

At least that's how I gather it.



(I won't be watching this for a week or so.)

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Oh man- I saw the LEGO and didn't even realize it was LEGO. I was just "Oh hey there is LEGO" and kept watching the show. I should have been: "OH HEY THERE IS LEGO ON CHUCK!!!"

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Oh wow; I think I missed that scene. =O But wow; that's pretty interesting. When this season gets released on DVD, I'll definitely have to watch that. =O

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