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The Bring Back Bionicle Club, Bzpower Branch



Welcome to the BZPower branch of the Bring Back Bionicle Club! We're a group of stubborn Bionicle fans who want the sets back.


Other branches of the club do exist, but BZPower rules prevent me from linking to, or in some cases even mentioning, any of them. You'll have to find the other branches on your own. sad.gif


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I'll join. Though my hopes of Bionicle coming back are low, I'd still like to see it happen. And it won't if we don't do anything, right?



- :t::n:

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Indeed, hence why I created the club, among many other things.


I just added you to the members list. Welcome! :D


BTW, we might be getting a visit from a staff member from another branch soon.

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Ill join, this is a great way to show how bionicle fans are still out there, but people who ARN'T joining can you STOP posting because it makes it harder to see people who joined this group to see what they say.

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Ill join, this is a great way to show how bionicle fans are still out there, but people who ARN'T joining can you STOP posting because it makes it harder to see people who joined this group to see what they say.


I added you to the club list. However I don't mind a bit of fisty-cuffs in the club as long as it doesn't get out of hand. It was inevitable that this was going to cause a bit of heated debate, and that's something I know I can do nothing about. Besides, excluding people from my blog isn't allowed iirc.


I will keep a sharp eye on the club and take disciplinary action where necessary.

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The fans do exist all over the Internet. But they don't all agree with you, so you shouldn't try to represent us who disagree with these righteous quests of yours.

How could the people who want it back possibly represent the people who don't?

He's making it seem as if the whole community supports this miserable club.

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The fans do exist all over the Internet. But they don't all agree with you, so you shouldn't try to represent us who disagree with these righteous quests of yours.

How could the people who want it back possibly represent the people who don't?

He's making it seem as if the whole community supports this miserable club.

If it's so miserable, then why did you join? :annoyed:

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The fans do exist all over the Internet. But they don't all agree with you, so you shouldn't try to represent us who disagree with these righteous quests of yours.

How could the people who want it back possibly represent the people who don't?

He's making it seem as if the whole community supports this miserable club.

If it's so miserable, then why did you join? :annoyed:

Because I could.

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The fans do exist all over the Internet. But they don't all agree with you, so you shouldn't try to represent us who disagree with these righteous quests of yours.

How could the people who want it back possibly represent the people who don't?

He's making it seem as if the whole community supports this miserable club.

If it's so miserable, then why did you join? :annoyed:

Because I could.

I'm sorry, but I don't really see how you can join a club, then just start insulting it (and, by extension, the members of it). Other than you, it seems to me that the people who joined the club support it, and those who haven't don't; that's kind of how these things work. Is there some reason that you don't like the club? And if so, why did you join?



- :t::n:

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The fans do exist all over the Internet. But they don't all agree with you, so you shouldn't try to represent us who disagree with these righteous quests of yours.

How could the people who want it back possibly represent the people who don't?

He's making it seem as if the whole community supports this miserable club.

If it's so miserable, then why did you join? :annoyed:

Because I could.

I'm sorry, but I don't really see how you can join a club, then just start insulting it (and, by extension, the members of it). Other than you, it seems to me that the people who joined the club support it, and those who haven't don't; that's kind of how these things work. Is there some reason that you don't like the club? And if so, why did you join?



- :t::n:



And because I could.

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The fans do exist all over the Internet. But they don't all agree with you, so you shouldn't try to represent us who disagree with these righteous quests of yours.

How could the people who want it back possibly represent the people who don't?

He's making it seem as if the whole community supports this miserable club.

If it's so miserable, then why did you join? :annoyed:

Because I could.

I'm sorry, but I don't really see how you can join a club, then just start insulting it (and, by extension, the members of it). Other than you, it seems to me that the people who joined the club support it, and those who haven't don't; that's kind of how these things work. Is there some reason that you don't like the club? And if so, why did you join?



- :t::n:



And because I could.


We understand that, Waffles. However, just because you have the right to do something does not make it right. If you want to join, fine; but don't insult the club or it's members. And if you are disruptive, members like myself can bring it to the staff. :)



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*sigh* I should've deleted that post when I had the chance...


Could you all please stop with the flaming? This isn't the kind of fisty-cuffs I want.


And Waffles, out of habit, I actually reported your post when you called our club miserable, which is why i decided not to delete it.

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Waffles joined to bug you. He knows that you know that you have to let anybody in, so he just did.

Also sign me up.

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Question: Is this club actually supposed to have any bearing on BIONICLE supposedly coming back?


Its massive prescence is meant to simply get the attention of Lego, and let them know there are still a lot of people who want the sets back. I guess it's kind of like dropping hints to them.

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But you've only got 16 members. You'd have to be a thousand times bigger if you wanted TLG to pay you any attention at all. And even then, a thousand people isn't much to a company that size.
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I know. For the most part the club is still in its early stages.


Remember, though, that this is a multi-site club. Only this branch has 16 members, but other branches out there have more.

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Okay, if you change your display name, I recommend you inform me. Even though the member names link to your profile, it'll just be easier for me to accept new people into the club. I don't want anyone to be listed twice... ;)

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Actually, I'd rather watch.




I don't meant be rude, but a few fractions of websites and a mindset isn't going to bring it back.


You'd have to prove two things:


1. It'd be more profitable than HF.

2. It would appeal to note fans than last time.




Well I don't know about 2. but one I have an excellent example for.

In my toysrus and walmart nearby they each have atleast 20 1.0 sets left which

has never happened with BIONICLE(I usually leave collecting to the last minute :( )


And I doth wish these soldiers good fortune for the future of a true legend depends on them

Mata Nui's speed

In all truth I was really sad when it ended

I joined up in 06 with the hidden PIRAKA ads(watch a hordika ad for soething like 10s and youd see the signature

red eyes) and after getting my second fan BIONICLE(I was a minor fan with only Nuju H.) I immediatley bought

all the books...such good memories,I haven't faltered as a fan even now...

In short sign me up XD

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The fans do exist all over the Internet. But they don't all agree with you, so you shouldn't try to represent us who disagree with these righteous quests of yours.

How could the people who want it back possibly represent the people who don't?

He's making it seem as if the whole community supports this miserable club.

I disagree.

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