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BioniLUG Members Year 15

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    Central Park, Miniland, LEGOLAND California

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Toa (15/293)

  1. Both have been updated with this feature, the 2001 version has the setting with the other settings (under the key button in the bottom bar).
  2. The latest version (version 1.1.0) now includes a 30 FPS option.
  3. Yeah, the game originally was capped to 18 FPS in Flash Player 4, and that's the speed it was made for, and at which all the audio is most-in-sync. A lot of people are used to and/or prefer 30 FPS though, so I'm working on an update which will add an FPS option you can pick at launch (re-release version) on in the menu (auto-save version). Hoping to have that done tomorrow.
  4. A lot of browser make SWF click-to-run these days. There are 2 SWF's on the page, the main interface and a 1x1 pixel worker one. Make sure both are allowed to run. Yes, not ideal, but should be possible at a minimum.
  5. 14B2020 seems like an abbreviation of 1/4 BIONICLE 2020 with 1/4 being the date it was announed, April 1st.
  6. Maybe it was a TV commercial, and never posted online?
  7. Are there any pictures of card #255? Or how do you know what it looks like? I looked through this gallery and it looks like there may be a few other missing (not sure what's up with 285+): http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=168918
  8. Both Kaita were playable in the alpha. I use "playable" loosely, their section of the Makuta level is easily the most broken part of the game I wonder how that fits with the cutscene I mentioned. There was no cutscene in that build. We think those levels were cut and replaced with a cutscene.
  9. So far we have not found anyone who knew of any real plans for the ending, besides the platforming challenges.
  10. It's unlikely that a fan could finish the game, as we obviously don't know what the developers planned to put in the empty chunks... but it's possible that a fan could make what's there run a little better. I've been poking around the game's files for a while now, as I intend to do just that (I have experience with this kinda thing). It's not gonna be an easy project, though. Most decompilers spit out complete gibberish when you try to load the files, since they're generally designed with only one language in mind... and there's virtually no information on Saffire's game development pipeline online. A lot of discussion on this is ongoing on this Discord server: https://discord.gg/6bnzdKy Did you have to do anything special to get it to work (and can you share what OS/hardware you are using)? I can get the levels to run, except that the environment appears all black, including the Toa -- the only things that show up are the HUD and the particle effects. The audio plays just fine too, and the controls for moving, switching masks, etc. work. Is anyone else experiencing this despite setting SvpRad=1 in the .ini file? I don't know if anyone else has had this problem. I would double-check that the ini file was edited successfully (check that the file extension wasn't changed or anything), and it is running with XP compatibility. Bugs are also being discussed on the Discord, you might get help there.
  11. Here is a closeup of the thing in the shape from the game, to better see it: From the full shape, we can see it's must more detailed in that area, which suggests it's no accident I've also exported the shape as an SVG, if anyone else wants to take a closer look. Where did you see this in MNOG?
  12. Yeah, at first I thought Onua was supposed to be the main character. It wasn't just the Toa, Whenua was also depicted in the front on the back of the Turaga boxes, and Onepu's mask is also the mask of the Matoran Nui. Onua was also in the opening cutscene and first level of the canceled Legend of Mata Nui game. A lot of early story stuff was inconsistent, maybe some debate early on over who should be the main Toa.
  13. Added! These are the files that are different: $ diff -rq BOHROKSWARM Toa\ Nuva Files BOHROKSWARM/Launch.exe and Toa Nuva/Launch.exe differ Files BOHROKSWARM/Mov/TA01.MOV and Toa Nuva/Mov/TA01.MOV differ Files BOHROKSWARM/Mov/TA02.MOV and Toa Nuva/Mov/TA02.MOV differ Files BOHROKSWARM/Mov/TA03.MOV and Toa Nuva/Mov/TA03.MOV differ Files BOHROKSWARM/Mov/TA04.MOV and Toa Nuva/Mov/TA04.MOV differ Files BOHROKSWARM/Mov/TA05.MOV and Toa Nuva/Mov/TA05.MOV differ Files BOHROKSWARM/Mov/TA06.MOV and Toa Nuva/Mov/TA06.MOV differ Files BOHROKSWARM/Readme.txt and Toa Nuva/Readme.txt differ Only in BOHROKSWARM: Readme_CZ.txt Only in BOHROKSWARM: Readme_DE.txt Only in BOHROKSWARM: Readme_DK.txt Only in BOHROKSWARM: Readme_EL.txt Only in BOHROKSWARM: Readme_ENG.txt Only in BOHROKSWARM: Readme_FR.txt Only in BOHROKSWARM: Readme_IT.txt Only in BOHROKSWARM: Readme_KO.txt Only in BOHROKSWARM: Readme_NL.txt Only in BOHROKSWARM: Readme_PL.txt Only in BOHROKSWARM: Readme_RU.txt Only in BOHROKSWARM: Readme_SE.txt Only in BOHROKSWARM: Readme_SK.txt Only in BOHROKSWARM: Readme_SL.txt Files BOHROKSWARM/Setup.exe and Toa Nuva/Setup.exe differ Files BOHROKSWARM/Setup.ini and Toa Nuva/Setup.ini differ Files BOHROKSWARM/data1.cab and Toa Nuva/data1.cab differ Files BOHROKSWARM/data1.hdr and Toa Nuva/data1.hdr differ Files BOHROKSWARM/data2.cab and Toa Nuva/data2.cab differ Files BOHROKSWARM/ident and Toa Nuva/ident differ Files BOHROKSWARM/layout.bin and Toa Nuva/layout.bin differ Files BOHROKSWARM/setup.inx and Toa Nuva/setup.inx differ Basically, they replaced the Toa Mata animations with some narration and a description for each Toa Nuva.
  14. It took a little while to upload and such, but they have been added to the BMP archive. Those who were unable to download them before should be able to download them from the Promo CD page now. A big thanks to Illuminatus for providing this great content!
  15. Vahkiti said I should post this here: That value in the second place is actually quite a bit larger than you might think (the end is being cut off). Originally, this was to show the count-up to the next chapter. The following dates (as Unix timestamps) are actually hard-coded into player.swf. Launch0 = 978325200; Launch1 = 981054000; Launch2 = 984682800; Launch3 = 989953200; Launch4 = 995223600; Launch5 = 999370800; Launch6 = 1000148401; Launch7 = 1004036401; Launch8 = 1007406063; Launch9 = "10099254240000"; TimeOfLaunch = 978000000; It appears the Launch9 is just some impossibly far out date so that the related code could still work. That value you see in game is actually, 10098246833937, or the difference between Launch8 and Launch9. As for the first value, I believe it is based on a value called ServerBasedDate. In the official download and Templar online versions, this is hard-coded as 1007406064 (1 greater than Launch8). In our unofficial saving download, it's read from getdate.txt which contains 1028845484 (the date archive.org cached). In any case, that date it's counting up to is Sun, 12 Jan 2290 12:24:00 GMT, which is quite far off indeed.
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