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How I Would Take Over The World



Here is how I would take over the world.


Now, the problem with most world domination plans is that you have to be in charge of some sort of army or government. Since becoming a general is pretty risky and it's a real hassle to go through all the time and money required to successfully run for office, really the only way for anyone to easily rise to power over others is to become the chump husband of some monarch.


Then I had a thought...


Oh! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! SPIRIT? What if you were the chump husband? Okay, you marry the princess, all right? Then, uh, you become sultan!


Marry the shrew? I become sultan... The idea has merit!


Yes, merit! Yes! And then we drop papa-in-law and the little woman off a cliff! YEAAAAAAAAAAAA Kersplat!


Step 1: Marry the shrew


After the three Princes of Wales and the Duke of York, the next two people in line for the British crown are Princess Beatrice of York and Princess Eugenie of York, who are conveniently right around my age. All I have to do is bring one of them on board with my plan, marry her, and badaboom, I'm Prince Consort of York.


Step 2: Drop papa-in-law and the little woman off a cliff


All I have to do is plan an unfortunate "accident" for those ahead of us in line to become head monarch and then blame it on some terrorist group. If lacking a terrorist group, pull a Palpatine and make one up. After that, we'll be crowned Queen and King Consort of the British Commonwealth.


Step 3: Convince the senate to vote us emergency powers


Yep, pull another Palpatine and use the aforementioned terrorist group to convince the British parliament to return emergency powers to the monarchy. One way to do this would be to pool our collective wealth into raising a private army to combat the "threat". Soon we extend our military protection to other members of the commonwealth, gaining further control over such economic powerhouses as Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, and particularly Pakistan and India. Using their combined economies, we could raise an army to dwarf that of the United States Armed Forces.


We would continue to expand our control over the world, guaranteeing them protection from the Droid Armies (or whatever) until we had managed to expand the Commonwealth to the entire planet. Then we announce that in order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Commonwealth will be reorganized into the first Global Empire, for a safe and secure society which I will assure them will last for ten thousand years.


Step 4: Laugh maniacally





And if none of that works, I guess tomorrow night I'll have to do the same thing I do every night: try to take over the world!


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I must say I'm glad that I watched Aladdin just a couple weeks ago, otherwise I probably wouldn't have gotten the reference near the top of the post. :P

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What's scary is that there are real people out there trying to use the Palpatine strategy to conquer the world.


Whether they'll succeed or not is another matter, but you never know... :/

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You could also start ranting outrageously about all sorts of stuff to get a bunch of paranoid people to elect you President of the United States and then get the Senate to vote you emergency powers. It's been done before.


All you have to do is get rid of term limits and you've got it made.

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You could also start ranting outrageously about all sorts of stuff to get a bunch of paranoid people to elect you President of the United States and then get the Senate to vote you emergency powers. It's been done before.


All you have to do is get rid of term limits and you've got it made.

I'd also need to get rid of the law that says only people born in America can become president.

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An easier way:

1. "Wait" for somebody to take over the world

2. Confiscate his status as ruler of the world and take it for yourself! :evilgrin:


Your way is a bit confusing, but I recommend it for the person mentioned earlier in the post. The one that takes over the world so you can overthrow him.


Of course, the ruler of the world may be difficult to overthrow. Although its easier than a ton of presidents and kings and dictators of every single country.

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I thought the Canadians' plan was to control the minds of little American girls through Justin Beiber.




Meh. I liked Teridax's giant robot idea better anyway.

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I thought the Canadians' plan was to control the minds of little American girls through Justin Beiber.




Meh. I liked Teridax's giant robot idea better anyway.

It is. This is just Plan B.

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You could also start ranting outrageously about all sorts of stuff to get a bunch of paranoid people to elect you President of the United States and then get the Senate to vote you emergency powers. It's been done before.


All you have to do is get rid of term limits and you've got it made.

I'd also need to get rid of the law that says only people born in America can become president.

Pfft, that's easy. Take it to the Supreme Court as immigrant-ist. :P

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..Hey...um...if you do get to to be in the nobility..see if you can hook me up.


Also see if they'll take an Indian into nobility. :P

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Pinky and the brain, pinky and the brain

One is a genius, the other's insane...


Sounds like me and my friend.

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Pinky and the brain, pinky and the brain

One is a genius, the other's insane...


Sounds like me and my friend.

So what's it like being friends with a genius? :sly:

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