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* Puts On Flame Suit *



The animation in Rango was better than anything I've seen from Pixar and 10x better than anything I've seen from Dreamworse.


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better than... Pixar




On a more serious note, the animation in this movie does look superb and I hope to see more (but not ALL) animated movies using the technique.

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One of the most egregious errors I see people make is calling Rango a Western. While it may look like one on the surface, Rango goes much, much deeper than a simple Western.

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One of the most egregious errors I see people make is calling Rango a Western. While it may look like one on the surface, Rango goes much, much deeper than a simple Western.

It gets a little deep near the end, with the walking across the road while depressed, but in general it sticks to the animated movie formula a bit too closely. The animation is good (except when they bring humans into it), but I'm with DV that it doesn't quite match the first half of Wall-E.


- Tilius

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better than... Pixar





Definitely not for little kids.


If Cars 2 is as good as Cars 1, Rango should win Best Animated this year.


Because there's more mild swearing than is generally in a kids movie (think Iron Giant - some parents won't care but caution is advised), and there's some violence and even more implied violence. And lots and lots of danger. A lynching almost occurs and is dramatized by the "muses".


It's good animation, but nothing, and I mean nothing, is as good as the animation in Wall-e and Up.

Disagreed, but okay.


One of the most egregious errors I see people make is calling Rango a Western. While it may look like one on the surface, Rango goes much, much deeper than a simple Western.

It gets a little deep near the end, with the walking across the road while depressed, but in general it sticks to the animated movie formula a bit too closely. The animation is good (except when they bring humans into it), but I'm with DV that it doesn't quite match the first half of Wall-E.


- Tilius

I don't mind a few cliches when they're done well, and I think Rango did them well.

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