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Synesthesia Support Group





Does anyone have this or know people who do? Up until I was twelve, I thought I was the only one, but then I read about it in a book and I realized that other people think just like I do. I think I'm the only person in my family to have it, but my dad says he has it a little -- not to the extent that I do, though.


In particular, I have Ordinal linguistic personification and Grapheme–color synesthesia.


I recommend you read (or skim) the Wikipedia articles I've linked and then we can discuss this psychological oddity we share. If you'd like, tell me what colour or personality certain letters, numbers, days, names, months, or music notes have and then I can tell you how wrong you are. :P


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I might have a mild form of Grapheme-color synthesia.


EDIT: After reading that Synthesia article and being bugged by nine being equated with the colour yellow, I'm gonna guess that I probably do.


Also, I do associate letters, numbers, etc. with a vague personality, but not a full characterization...

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Wait, you have synesthesia? That's interesting.


I don't have it, and don't know anyone that does, but I've garnered an interest in it, and have been meaning to learn more about it.

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I've got a strong case of Ordinal linguistic personification. I could have a conversation with the number 4 if I wanted to. Not that I would, 4 is too self-centered and kinda awkward.


I've also got a bit of Grapheme–color synesthesia and one type that's not on that Wikipedia article; I 'hear' sound when I see letters or numbers. It's not sound I hear in my ears, but within my mind. It's not that strong, though.

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I don't know if it's related, because I don't have time right now to have a good read of the article, but I might have ordinal linguistic personification, not so much with numbers, but definitely days and somewhat months I think have a certain 'feel' to them. Like, I can always tell what day it is by how it feels, somewhat.



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EDIT: After reading that Synthesia article and being bugged by nine being equated with the colour yellow, I'm gonna guess that I probably do.

Silly goose, nines are dark purplely grey, not yellow. Sevens are yellow -- more of a tan-goldenrod colour, really.


And my parents always found me so strange to always write the number 8 in the color orange.



Good to see I'm not the only one.

No, no. Eights are bright purple. Threes are orange.


I've got a strong case of Ordinal linguistic personification. I could have a conversation with the number 4 if I wanted to. Not that I would, 4 is too self-centered and kinda awkward.


I've also got a bit of Grapheme–color synesthesia and one type that's not on that Wikipedia article; I 'hear' sound when I see letters or numbers. It's not sound I hear in my ears, but within my mind. It's not that strong, though.

Aw, come on. 4 is a cool guy. A little soft spoken, but he keeps the others in line.


Sounds like some sort of Grapheme-sound synesthesia. I don't have this, but I've heard of people who do.

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Reading the Wikipedia article, it sounds like the sort of thing many people have to some degree. I'll admit, my preference for colors is all about how I think their "personalities" are (i.e. red feels outspoken, while blue feels calm). I still don't think I meet the requirements for diagnosis, but yeah.

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Yeah, 4 is pretty quiet. It kinda makes him a tad bit creepy, though, but I hardly think it's intentional.


9 is the guy that keeps everyone together. A strong sense of responsibility with a very cool attitude.

8 is a big dude. Loyal to his friends but often takes things too personal which can get him into fights.

7 is two-faced and deceptive. He'll probably take your wallet and you'll never see him again.

6 is Dr. Phil.

5 is an enigma. I really don't know much about him. (That's probably one of the reasons why it's my favorite number.)

3 is jolly... kinda like Santa! =D

2 is pretty much Martha Stewart.

1 is stern and rigid. Very much like a marine.

0 is very intelligent, but is often ignored.


That's pretty much my summary on the numbers. They're quite the diverse bunch. :P

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Names always evoke personalities if I know someone with that name/A fictional character has that name.

3's lucky. I like 3.

2 is peaceful and usually victorious.

1's alright, but sometimes mean.

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Names always evoke personalities if I know someone with that name/A fictional character has that name.

Hmm, funny, same for me; some names suggest violence (usually short, rough-sounding names) and others calm.

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I could talk to my numbers, the have lots of personality. I can also feel, smell, and taste certain words. I sometimes have word pictures. 

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