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In order to appease those who have been grumpy lately over things, on all sides, here is a panorama I took of Portland on my vacation (that was supposed to be Brickfest).


Clicking the image will take you to the full-size photo (9994 x 2545px). It is a very detailed and very very large shot. (I am excited about the prospect of printing this photo!)



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Took a while for the large size to load, but it was well worth it


That is quite a beautiful picture, and with how clear everything is even up towards the mountains in the back (I assume mountains, and not just oversized hills), it truly is amazing. But it must've been more astounding to see that in real life. There are times where I envy your ability to take such amazing photos, and this is definitely one of those times. :P


But I'm curious, were you standing on the top of a building to get that shot? It looks that way, judging by the right side of the photo, but I can't be quite sure.

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That's some beautiful photo work right there. I actually felt like I was looking back and forth when I scrolled from side to side.


(You also caused me to actually move my head side to side while I was looking. I hope you're happy. XP)

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Oh hey, thanks for reminding me what I should do when I get to BrickCon this year with my new camera.


*writes down "Seattle panorama that is at least one pixel larger in size than DV's"* :P But yeah, pretty detailed. Care to divulge what area you shot in?

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Wow that looks nice. Not just the city, but the mountains so close to it right behind!



I remember BrickFest when it was on the other side of the country! :P



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But I'm curious, were you standing on the top of a building to get that shot? It looks that way, judging by the right side of the photo, but I can't be quite sure.

Yes, I was on the top of an apartment building in Old Chinatown. It was the tallest building around, and I wanted a picture of the area with the mountains and everything else.


Pretty good. But it's a such... a giant... picture. o_o

Yes it is! That's the only way to truly see what's going in in the image. And, it's six 10.2MP photos stitched together, with a small bit of cropping to get rid of the white borders and blank spots that show up on the edges of panoramas. Plus, larger images print better, so I'm excited to see how large of a print I can get with this.

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But you're facing west. The Cascades are to the east!


Granted, at that time of year you probably didn't get a good view of them. Honestly, I'm surprised you got to see blue sky at all. :P


Awesome picture, man!



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Union station? That is not in Oregon, that is in Washington DC. What is this tomfoolery. :angry: :angry: :angry:




(It's beautiful Pat, for rills - like you <3)

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