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Artwork 3's Best April Fools Pranks

lavaside rahi


Well, it's that time of year again. When BZPower undergoes another onslaught of April Fool's pranks, catching those unaware of the date off guard and causing those aware of the date to post "O Rly? :P " in just about every topic on the forum (personally I find those posts rather annoying, but I accept them as a part of the holiday). Now I couldn't come up with any good April Fool's prank myself; I don't have a comic series anymore and it seemed needlessly cruel to announce that I was returning to the comics, even for an April Fool's prank (by the way, go check out Varaka's new comic series).


So this year I thought I'd do something else: honor the best April Fool's pranks Artwork III has given us and pay tribute to them.


...And that's when it occurred to me that there just aren't very many notable pranks in the forum. In fact, after all my research, I could only come up with two. There's plenty of April Fools comics, but genuine pranks seem few and far between.


...Ah, screw it. I'll do it anyway. Here's my tribute to the two greatest pranks of the Artwork III forum (if you know of any others, please let me know).


- The International ComicContinuity Disbands - (3L)²: Live, Learn and Lawsuits™, starting here


Last year, Kahinuva announced that there was just too much arguing in the ICC, and the group was disbanding. To make it official, Kahi removed the ICC from his signature and his comic topic and the Mask of Existence topic was closed (and for some reason never reopened...). The other ICC members played along, and Philbert Flakes announced an new continuity called the International ComicContinuity II, which attracted genuine interest. But what really made the prank wonderful was that it lasted an entire week. Yep, just to really seed doubt that this wasn't a hoax, the ICC remained disbanded for an entire week. Finally, on April 8th Kahi posted a comic announcing that he was retiring...only to then announce that the whole thing was in fact a joke. Kudos to you, sir.


- Dark709's Retirement - Dark709's Comics Version 4.0, starting here


We all remember this one. After five years of making comics the most popular comic maker BZPower has produced was finally going to hang it up. The remainder of the third movie would be posted as a narration and a final animation would be posted as a farewell to his fans. The statement was released on March 29th and confirmed by Superkid. For three days, well-wishers flooded the topic with goodbye messages, in post and comic form. Truly, it would be a sad day for us all...Dark posted the farewell animation...


...And we all got rickrolled.


Now to be fair, there was plenty of speculation and a lot of people recognized it as an April Fools prank right away (all the speculation posts have since been deleted). For my own personal part, I was mostly convinced it was a prank, but the sheer amount of speculation (plus the confirmation of the announcement on the part of figures like SK) did give me pause at moments - and once you give pause to a particular line of thought, the prank has already succeeded. For me, the best part of this prank was the sheer scale of it - the joke itself was fine, but the best pranks are the ones that spur other incidents, like a line of dominoes, and Dark's fame ensured that this would happen. There must be only at least a dozen comics that were made in relation to this event - it overshadowed anything else that happened on the forum (heck, did anything else happen on the forum that day?). It was a defining moment in the forum, and I dread the day when Dark actually retires, if just for the scores of "O RLY?!?" posts.



I think we've got a new one to add to this list. There's also a second component of this prank over here.


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I'm not sure if the part where SK said 'I'm opening SK Inn soon' wasn't a prank either. :P



:superfunny: If it happened around April 1st, I'd count it as a yes.

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I completely missed the ICC prank (the planning, the execution, and the reveal that it wasn't a prank) because I was obsessed with Pokemon HeartGold the entire time. Otherwise I probably would have played along. :P
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I missed the ICC Prank because I was too busy derping around in this Pokemon community. It kind of fell through though. :[


Haha, Dark and I's april fool's prank. I still remember that day fondly. :D Buttons had died a day or so before, and the whole prank(along with seeing The Room that night...) really cheered me up.


Had we had more time, it may have been a full animation with all of the characters dancing to the song. But it was very much a last minute idea I sent to Dark right after he posted the announcement.

... so I just threw that together. :P


And sadly, my SK Inn announcement at the time wasn't a joke. I actually had the first few panels of SK Inn 1 done by that time(though they were pretty different at the time). I was just hoping it would be written off as a joke if I got lazy again... and it was. Buttons' death combined with getting Zipper a few months later kind of took me away from it. x_x

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Sees the "Update"... Oh wow. I thought the two links meant mine and one Ennar did... A separate one.




Well then.

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