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A Personal Statement

Kevin Owens


I know I'm on haitus right now, but this issue is hitting so close to home that I have to talk about it.


Blogs are in the same boat as images. They often go hand in hand, images appearing in blogs. They have certain rights. These are numerous. The right to exist. The right to enjoy peace and prosperity. However, above all other rights is this simple and inalienable right. Blogs and images have the right to be beautiful. While the images inside the actual entries are both very beautiful, often those in the content blocks are marginalized and taken advantage of. This is especially true for splash images. They are often abused by those holding old, outdated views of what's 'obscene' as dictated by silly notions that have long since past from the general consciousness.


Please, everyone. Help me fight blog and image abuse. If you have your content blocks on the left, use this image.





If you have your content blocks on the right, use this image.





Remember everyone, only you can prevent image and blog abuse.


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Sir Gato of BZPower, I dub thee the knight of the unfortunate blogosphere.

Hail, knight of the unfortunate blogoshpere

Wherever you post people will know

Of the most wonderous lessons

Of the knight of the unfortunate blogoshpere.


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I... think I get it now. Only that pretty much none of this applies directly to me, seeing as I don't have a blog. ;-;

You have the right idea, but just because you don't have a blog doesn't mean you can't set yourself to the life long quest of self-improvement. You don't have to be special to take part in my quest. You can start where you are with what you have. There's a certain universal appeal to it. A grass roots movement if you will.


So.... What's the pic for?

It's part of my righteous quest to end image abuse and it will be the launch pad that I will use to spread my crusade of self-improvement throughout BZPower!




Is this some kind of weird April fools joke?

This is as much of a joke as my job is.

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That is why I threw down the gauntlet with this post. I am calling you out BZPower! Don't settle for a subpar blog format! Have the blog flow from one side to the other! Make your headers face the right way! Stop image and blog abuse, for truly there is no more heinous crime. Aspire to more than the minimum! Challenge the status quo! Fight the power of mediocrity! Now is the time for change we can believe in! Together, we can create a new, glorious blogverse filled with beautiful images and blogs.


Tell me, will you answer the challenge?

So tell me, what do you think of my Blog's image handling? ;_;

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So tell me, what do you think of my Blog's image handling? ;_;

I'd say that the images are fine. There's something I could say about the content blocks being on the right, but that's another issue for another time.


So what is this image abuse?

People are abusing images and blogs by making them ugly. I hold to the belief that every image and blog has the inherent right to beauty. I can't stand it when people abuse images and blogs. It's quite easily one of the most heinous things someone can do.



This is as much of a joke as my job is.


So... Your agianst image abuse, by having a creepy picture?


My good sir, I reassure you that there is nothing creepy about that picture. That is Jareth, Goblin King of the Labrinth. While some might say that his character is creepy, have you seen his hair? Such delicious locks are rarely seen on the head of either man or woman! Ah, to run my hands through it as he whispers sweet nothings to me. He is my Dulcinea del Toboso, and it is he that inspires me to slog through the quagmire of daily life. It is for him that I daily ride out, doing great works in his name. He is my inspiration, and as long as I hold him close to my bosom and keep his immortal words fresh in my mind, I am unstopable.

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So... Your agianst image abuse, by having a creepy picture?



Bro, I'm totally straight and even I can admit that Bowie's got it goin' on. He's got what the ladies want. It ain't gay of me to be able to recognize that he's an attractive dude.














































While I may not be into him sexually, being heterosexual, I can recognize that he is attractive, just like a straight woman can admit that Marilyn Monroe was attractive.

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im using comic sans because it can anger people yay

Trolling is against BZPower rules. ;)


He looks mean. And like a poser.

He has over five decades of music experiences. He has had five platinum albums. He has starred in numerous movies. In one year he will make more money than both of us combined in our lifetimes. He has a star on the hollywood walk of fame. He single-handedly invented new subgenres of music. He made art in over ten different styles of music. He is known as one of the most personable and kind rock stars around and I could sing praises for him and list all of his achievements for days and not be done.


Do you even understand the words that are coming out of your mouth?

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He looks mean. And like a poser.

O wow


I never knew that I could laugh so hard it hurt.


Glam is Poser Metal.

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He looks mean. And like a poser.

O wow


I never knew that I could laugh so hard it hurt.


Glam is Poser Metal.

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha. Oh man. Oh MAN.


Since when is glam 'metal' at all? Since when was David Bowie only a glam artist (he did glam for a few years, but also did folk, space-rock, rock and roll, funk, soul, krautrock, electronica, experimental, dance, industrial rock and metal, alternative...geez and more)? since when...oh man I could go on forever)


Hahaha, dude. Dude. Keep enjoying drop-d tuning power chords (that could be played by someone with only one finger) and soulless, overprocessed megadeth (which is totally fine! I like that music too, quite a lot! I listen to it when I want something that sounds cool and is often technically impressive but lacking in serious artistic merit), but please please please don't talk about music and artistic endeavours unless you educate yourself a little more about the subjects.


Like seriously bro I have nothing against you and nothing against the music you listen to (as said, I enjoy it as well), but man, you really should not be criticizing thing you VERY clearly don't know anything about. And it's fine that you don't know anything about it, and it's totally fine if you continue on in happy ignorance of it - but please don't comment on things you have zero proper exposure to. If you do that, there's a 100% you will come across looking very foolish and that's something I'm sure you don't want! :<


Don't feel bad though, man; I mean we've all prolly had occasions where we thought we knew something but then it turned out were weren't really fit to comment on it at all, so don't feel bad. Just part of being human. Move along, nothing to see here; carry on folks.


e: it occurs to me that you're probably mentally associating Bowie with 'Hair Metal,' also sometimes called Glam Metal. Bowie had nothing to do with that style of music (which had nothing to do with Glam Rock, really). That was bands like Def Leppard, Twisted Sister, et cetera. And most of it is pretty terrible, and pretty much all of it is completely soulless, slick garbage.


But as said, Bowie had nothing to do with that kind of music. Never even touched it. Bowie's more interested in exploring the synthesis of highbrow-lowbrow art and how it can touch people, be that in rock and roll, experimental rock, funk, industrial, or anything in between. Among many other things!

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And on Smeag's note, I'm going to issue a Moderator Challenge!


Shad, you have shown consitently in this topic that you have no idea what you're talking about. David didn't really do Glam Metal. He was born before metal was even a genre. He did Glam Rock. I talked with you a bit off BZP, and you admitted you had no idea who David Bowie was. I honestly thought you were trolling, but in reality it turns out you just didn't know.


So that's why I'm going to give yourself a chance to improve yourself. To expand your horizons. To see what's out there in the world. Since you obviously know nothing about Bowie, you will learn and you will tell us of your findings. Until you complete the challenge, you will not be able to post in my blog and any comment you put there will be deleted.


You may pick one of these three.


1) Dress up like David Bowie


In this challenge, you will dress like David Bowie. It doesn't have to be something that he once wore. It just has to look like something he'd wear. This will be informitive as it will force you to think like David Bowie and look and examine just what his taste in fashion is. You will prove that you have dressed like David Bowie by posting a picture of yourself in the clothes in question.


2) Sing like David Bowie


For this challenge, you will sing a David Bowie song. I don't care which one, but it will be BZP appropriate. You will then host the audio file and post it here. You don't have to have any backing, your simple voice will suffice.


3) Praise David Bowie


In this challenge, you will praise David Bowie and write a 500 word minimum summary of the achievements of David Bowie. You may not copy and paste from any website, and doing so will make your entry null and void and you will be forced to do one of the other challenges. The summary must be a praise article, you must not be facetious, sarcastic, or otherwise demeaning of David Bowie. If you do so, your entry will be null and void and you will do one of the other challenges.


I swear, this is not a joke. If Shad comments in my blog and he has not completed a challenge, the comment will be deleted. The only reason he can post in my blog is for clarifications on the challenges.

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