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Garreg Mach

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Civil War, Chapter 10: Draft 1



Well, first, Interview #4 is up, of course. But if you're reading this, you already know that.


More importantly, is the original draft to the finale of season 1. Enjoy!




It has been months; precisely eight.


Eight months since the arrival of the Bionicle Stars, lead by Tahu Stars. Eight months since he and Tahu Mata went to war.


It has been... boring, for the past few months.


Peace... but no prosperity.


Calm... But never safe.


The arrival of new sets is imminent, and Tahu Mata knows this; doubtless Tahu Stars has heard by now as well.


He expects the next attack soon.


Eight months....


It ends now. Or does it?


Tahu vs. Tahu

Season 1 [Civil War]

Chapter 10 {The Not-So Grand Finale}

Comedy Developer [Freelancer iBrow]


The Spare Bedroom....


“Sir?” Takanuva called.

“What is it?” Tahu Mata asked as the Toa of light approached.

“Zaktan and Avak report movement in the bedroom; looks like an army is coming.” Takanuva reported.

“Get ready.”




“It’s been a few months.” Tahu Stars said. “And because there was no fighting, and no interacting, those few months were seriously boring. So now I’m attacking you.”

“Yeah, just hurry up.” Tahu Mata sighed. “I’ll finally regain control, and I’ll do it diplomatically, like before.”

“I’m diplomatic!” Tahu Stars protested.

Tahu Mata snorted. “Right.”


Tahu Mata dodged out of the way as Tahu Stars’ sword came crashing down beside him. He tucked into a roll, swiping behind him as he turned around.

“I love gears.” He murmured.


He was distracted as Tahu Stars grabbed him furiously, throwing him across the bed.

“I don’t need to beat you alone!” the Stars set spat.

Takanuva Mistika stepped out of the shadows; a moment later, an Exo-Toa crashed into him, controlled by Lewa Mata.

“No, don’t fall off the bed!” the Toa Mata of air screeched. “NOOOO!”

A large crash could be heard a second later. Both Tahu’s glanced at each other for a split second before bursting into laughter at their teammate’s stupidity.


Meanwhile, Lewa stood to his feet using the Exo-Toa, grumbling to himself. He’d hardly even done a check up before Takanuva Mistika crashed into him, sending him tumbling into the dresser. The right arm of the Exo-Toa fell off, leaving Lewa Mata to grab for his axe.

“This thing falls apart so easily.” He muttered.


“Never fear, Lewa!” Onua Mata shouted. “We’re here!”

Takanuva turned at the voice, and his eyes narrowed; Gali and Onua Mata had also gotten into Exo-Toa of their own, and were charging towards them.


“You think I will not receive help?” Takanuva Mistika laughed.

A split second later, the Special Edition Jetrax T6 slammed into him, flying him into the door; several chunks of the titan fell apart, and he collapsed to the ground.


However, with a scream, Antroz v2 leapt out of the cockpit, as the impact caused the Special Jetrax to fold and shatter. He jumped straight into the hands of Irnakk, who instantly crushed him before turning to go pulverize someone else.


By the Door....


Takanuva Mistika slowly got to his feet, rubbing his head.

“Why is it so... small?” he asked.

“Missing this?” Maxilos snarled, shoving his giant Avohkii onto his face. “Take that.”


Takanuva Mistika went sprawling into the corner as Spinax pounced on him. Growling, Takanuva Mistika grabbed the hound’s head and used it to whip Spinax across the room into Lewa in the Exo-Toa before turning and stabbing Maxilos with his staff.


“Now who’s powerful?” Takanuva Mistika whispered, using his staff to lift Maxilos high off the ground. “I think I am.”

Maxilos squirmed, managing to fall to the ground. He fell straight into the hands of Roodaka, who tore at his armour with her claw.

“It’s time we finished our quarrel.” She hissed.


Maxilos silently turned, slamming his staff into her face. Even as he did so, Takanuva Mistika fired several Midak spheres at him, causing the robot to stumble, allowing Roodaka to catch him and throw him to the ground.

“MAXILOS!” Lewa Mata yelled.


The Bed


“So, how’s life been?” Tahu Stars asked casually as he and Tahu Mata duelled.

“Oh, you, know, the usual.” Tahu Mata replied, ducking as Tahu Stars stabbed at him. “Doing patrols, organizing battle parties, getting ready for war.”

“Oh, me too!” Tahu Stars agreed enthusiastically. “We should totally hang out sometime!”

“Totes!” Tahu Mata agreed.


“Dudes, you guys are dimwits.” Mantax muttered under his breath as he ran by, chased by Takanuva on the Ussanui.


The Door


If the door hadn’t opened, Maxilos would have been finished. As it was, the door slammed into Takanuva Mistika as he approached, sending him flying into the wall, where he slumped to the ground and didn’t get up. Roodaka and Maxilos both staggered to their feet, scrambling away from the door as it swung open.


Lewa, Gali, and Onua Mata all arrived just as the newcomer stepped into the room; he was a hulking, fearsome figure; all black, except for two or three spots of a startling electric blue.

“Knock, knock.” He rumbled.


He slammed into Maxilos and Roodaka, smashing them both into the dresser. He removed Roodaka’s head personally; Maxilos dodged out of the way in time to avoid that fate.

“Uh, who’s there?” Lewa Mata said nervously.


The figure replied by grabbing Maxilos and smashing him into Onua’s Exo-Toa; the robot nearly shattered completely, retaining only his general skeleton. He fell to the ground, and the figure focused his attention on the three Toa as Onua stood.


“Von Nebula.” He rasped.

Lewa Mata gulped, just before Von Nebula leapt forward, grabbing his axe and using it to propel Lewa towards him.

“I don’t like this!” Lewa wailed.


A second later, he and Onua were flying through the air, crashing into the Axalara and causing it to spin into a crash landing.

“Shall I tell them you’re here?” Gali Mata asked.

“Tell them who’s- oh, crud!” Tahu Nuva exclaimed.


Tahu Nuva ducked away from Von Nebula, whistling. Instantly, Pohatu and Onua Nuva had appeared by his side. They had soon formed into Akamai Nuva.


Von Nebula chuckled.

“That’s the last time you’ll form that hideous thing.” He told them.

As Akamai Nuva rushed forward, Von Nebula used his staff like a baseball bat, slamming it into Akamai Nuva’s body, separating him as he flew through the air. Tahu Nuva and Pohatu Nuva hit the wall first; Pohatu Nuva managed to reform before he hit the ground, rushing forward and tackling Gali Mata away from Von Nebula’s attack.


Onua Nuva was not so lucky; he shattered upon impact with the wall, and his pieces rained the ground. Tahu Nuva’s legs snapped off as he landed, and all he could do was sit there.

“Run!” he called.


The Bed


Tahu Mata tackled Tahu Stars, and ripped the usurper’s sword out of his hands.

“Give me that.” He muttered, taking the golden shield. “Now, I am re-gaining control.”

Tahu Stars grinned. “Maybe not.”


A second later, Tahu Mata had been sent flying into the wall. His vision blurry, he just made out Tahu Stars being slammed into the wall beside him.

“Who is that?” the Stars toa asked groggily.

“I am Von Nebula!” the figure roared. “YOU WILL FEAR MY WRATH!”



How is it?


Yes, it is incomplete; where it ends is where I decided that I wasn't satisfied with what I was writing, and began writing the chapter again, saving this for the eventual day I would get a blog - today. :)




Recommended Comments

What's a blod? :P lol I know what you meant.


That was pretty awesome, I could visualize the entire chapter, and make sense of it at the same time. It wasn't exactly funny, but it was epic, it's about 3/4ths epic, and 1/4ths comedy, but it's still awesome.


So, every ten chapters is when you start a new season? Hm, I could adopt that thinking, because my comedies just go on forever, except Ask Vezon, which has a new season every seven chapters.




Too bad there's only 11 chapters so far.


Kpik out.

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