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Weekly Update - 4/15

Black Six



Welcome to Friday. The weekend is upon us. But before that, someone needs to update you. That someone is me.



LEGO was kind enough to offer us some gift cards for the Hero Factory Recon hero builder. We got to pick how we wanted to give them away, so I figured, 'what better way than a Hero Factory contest?' If you haven't seen it already, you should go check it out. This is likely going to be a one time thing, so get in on it quick before it's over!


Speaking of Hero Factory things, the box art for the upcoming villain sets has appeared. It's only a matter of time before some of these show up on store shelves - I'd expect middle of May to early June. They're almost here!


ChocolateFrogs did a review of the Ocean Speeder set from the Atlantis line. We should have another review up this weekend or next week, so keep your eyes peeled for that.


Don't you hate it when people post these super-huge images that make pages take forever to load? Yeah, us too. Maybe someone should do something about that sometime...



No questions this week. :(


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



I'm heading out soon to kick off the weekend - it's absolutely gorgeous outside today. I hope you all do the same. Have fun and see you next time!


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Don't you hate it when people post these super-huge images that make pages take forever to load? Yeah, us too. Maybe someone should do something about that sometime...

It's like you're reading my mind, man!

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