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So, Some Stuff About The New Forums

Takuma Nuva


Well, for one thing, y'all finally got your bigger avatars, whether staff likes it or not. :P


Yes, there's issues with the blogs. Head over to Blog HQ as I know I, and probably other blog staff, will be keeping a close eye on that since the forums just went up. One thing in particular I want to say though is YES REPORT BUTTON WORKS NOW THANK GOD.


Before y'all get off an all the "this is horrible" stuff, take the time to get used to it. Trust me, the staff all reacted the same way at first, but as time went on, we've grown to like (most) of it.


If you're wondering what the optimal image size is now for content blocks, it's 222 pixels wide. No, there is no more custom size.


Check out all the new notification options. Some of them are pretty nifty. One example is a notification when a post of yours is quoted, if you don't want to follow the whole topic in general to find out.


I can now see who has my blog favorited and I will be treating them as my favorites now! :biggrin: (j/k)


I know I'm going to get flak for this one, but I'm glad to see our comic makers are already settling in. Take that, all you too busy complaining about the new forums to start enjoying them (no, this is not aimed at anyone in particular).


Entries here will follow detailing what I've done over the summer for those of you who care.


Finally, I'd like to give a big shout out to the Forum Mentors. Many staff were MIA/too busy with life to do some of the work, but I feel the FMs deserve special recognition for the work they've done. Not to take away from the work that Sixxer, Deevs, Than, and the others did, but, hey, these guys worked hard too. Big round of applause for those who worked their darndest!


Welcome back!




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