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Review: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic





SO, after I told a good buddy of mine that I would, and because I wanted to write some reviews for good shows/games/music anyway, I decided to start off with MLP.




You've probably seen one of those characters above of course if you surf the internet at all. And if that's true, you've probably met the MLP fan boys who constantly rave about the show and claim it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. AND you've probably read all about how there may in fact be more teenage/adult males who watch the show more than little girls whichare the demography the creators were shooting for.


Now if you know all that, then you're probably one of two types of people. You either HATE the show, or you LOVE the show.


This review though, won't get into any of that and it's strictly to talk about the show itself. This is because I believe some fans of the show take it too far in "converting" people, and it immediately turns other people who previously didn't care, to "hating" it. For that reason, the review is for all people who know about the show and for those who don't. This is in no way a rant against anyone.


So with all that covered, let's begin!


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic to start off with was developed/created/produced (or something like that) by Lauren Faust. You may have heard the name before (and her husband's name Craig McCracken) in other great Cartoons like the Power Puff Girls and Fosters Home for Imaginary friends.


With that said, let me just say the show is produced by people who as we all know, are what I consider experts at cartoon making. They know what they are doing. No one would have thought that three super hero girls at the ages of 8 years old or something, who fly around stopping bad monkey rulers named Mojo Jojo and then getting home before bed time was going to be something that was fun to watch. But the thing is, it WAS fun.


And for this review, that's the point of MLP in my opinion, don't judge a book by its cover.


The first time I watched the cartoon I really only did that. (also for laughs) I shook my head at names like "Twilight Sparkle", "Pinkie Pie" and to be honest I had no idea what Spike was doing there. I was simply waiting for the ending kid show formula of "learning a lesson about friendship" with smiles and hugs, until the NEXT episode which would be about the same thing. And with all that, you have a boring show that no self respecting teenager would watch. I mean hey, by that age you’ve learned all that friendship stuff already so why watch it again but this time covered in pink?


The problem is I really started to laugh. I lol'd at the part in the pilot where Twilight is in bed with a pillow over her ears because all of ponyvile was having a party down stairs in her house. That includes jamming music and lights. I was like, "What's this have to do with ponies?" I also took notice of how when Pinkie Pie began her "song", that all the other characters were rolling their eyes, annoyed and begging her not to get started on that, considering the dire situation they were in. Their response was just what I was thinking at the time, and for that I was grateful the show pointed it out so leisurely. It earned a ton of my respect.


It's a show for kids, so plot wise you can usually see the point and lesson to be learned coming a mile away. But there really isn't anything wrong with the lessons, and they vary per situation. I was impressed by this because sometimes you'll get a real simple plot, like how to overcome arguing between friends. Others though will feature more personal issues about overcoming a fear or even in a very impressive episode concerning a dressed, proper mannered lady, who can handle herself. (In a very non cheesy way might I add) Over all the points at the end of the stories while you’ve seen them before, aren’t done in a bad way. They get the lesson across, but don’t hammer it into your mind like all children shows seem to do. That’s a fantastic feat.


And to be honest it's really the way they reach the end of the story that grabs me. The Characters make this show. Period. With so many different personalities mixing and mashing together in a great way you just can't help but be impressed. Pinkie Pie is hilarious, cheerful and never stops talking, only shushed at the right moments to give everyone watching a laugh. Even Fluttershy the least talkative out of the group is a joy to watch, constantly second guessing herself to the extreme.


I haven't included the thrill seeking Rainbow Dash, the leader and arguably the wiser Twilight Sparkle, the proper Rarity and hard working loyal Apple Jack. And those are only the main characters. Their personalities are just as colorful and random as Foster's Main Characters were, though obviously much more sweet and kind, but just as colorful none the less.


The show is very bright, candy colored, pink, and soft. The animation is fluid, no question, but there is no denying this show was made for young girls and with that, I can see why a ton of people, anyone over the age of 12, wouldn't look twice at the show. They don't have time for another kids show. But really underneath it all is a well thought out piece of work that's FUN. The show doesn't take itself too seriously, at all, and only wants it to be enjoyable for EVERYONE. I completely agree that it has.


So for a final say, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic sets out with a cover to appease younger children, but really that's just with the animation and ending lessons. Plot wise, the story is cheerful and while the lessons aren’t always original, uniquely done to bring out the point. The characters are wonderful and the laughs are many, including smiles. Anyone can watch the show, which is what a good (and granted, adorable!) cartoon is supposed to do.




Recommended Episodes: The Ticket Master, Bridle Gossip, Dragonshy


*Credit to MatoroIgnika for banner.


Recommended Comments

Good review, Grant. Sadly, I've never seen the show, so I can't really relate to what you're saying. =P However, you make good points about it. Characters sound interesting, original personalities with each.


It being a kid's show, you can't expect it to be super interesting, although your review gives it a more interesting perspective. The characters sound almost adorable in their own way, and seem to make the show different than other cartoons.


You're a good critic about things, and you definitely are always trustworthy with your judgement. Although I probably won't see the show, hopefully you'll draw in new viewers with this review.


I'm anticipating more reviews to come. :)

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>This is because I believe some fans of the show take it too far in "converting" people, and it immediately turns other people who previously didn't care, to "hating" it.


Have I ever told you that I love you? Because I do.


I think this review is great overall. I too love the close attention to detail and wonderful characters. It's also great that you've compared it to Faust's previous works. I have never avidly watched any of those series, so I could not compare them myself, but you've done a great job.

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@Peach 00


Hey thank you very much for reading and I'm glad you liked it ^^. And that's completely true, it being a kids show it probably won't be the most interesting thing in the world to most people, and for that I completely understand. lol




Love ya too bro. ^^ And yes, without getting into the online community, I wanted to make a point about the online community lol. Just wanted people to take a shot at it, it's really a great show and can be compared to Faust's previous works which are just as good. If you can, check out Power Puff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, great shows as well.

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