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A Quick Round-Up

Taka Nuvia


I guess I'm not using the word in a wrong context... ah well.


Firstly: would anyone be interested in a series of BZPower artist features? They would consist of an interview as well as a selection of a few special works, maybe commented by the artists.

Depending on how much time I've got on my hands, they would appear weekly or monthly.

I am planning to include comic makers as well, since I believe that comic are just as legitimate an art form as drawings. (as always, it depends on the quality of the works, but that's obvious.)


Secondly: I love the new multiquote thingie. It's just so much easier to use, and looks more organized.


Tangent: Oh how I missed writing blog entries on here. It's like my own bubble were I can babble as much as I want. And someone reads my babbling... :rolleyes: < I also missed this emoticon a lot xD


Which reminds me, I think I might have one or two poem-esque thingies to share.


Thirdly: Just wondering: the profiles are still visible only for logged in members, right? O.o


Fourthly: I still hate being ill. Really do. But many thanks to everyone who wished me to get well soon, you really made me smile. Have a hug: *hug* or just my gratitude if you don't like hugs. ^_^


... so enough about me, how are you?


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