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Of Manners And... Well, Manners, Mostly

Taka Nuvia


Okay, so today I was walking down the corridor, towards class when I saw a group of kids. They seemed to be about 14 or 15 years old, and a bit smaller than me.

As I approached them, and had almost passed them, one of them suddenly looked me straight in the face and said "Dang, you're ugly!"


To be honest, I was shocked. Not because of what he said, but because of the fact that he said it. I mean, it's not normal to say something like that to a complete stranger. :angry:



what's wrong with the children of today? Are manners that old-fashioned? And what's with politeness? Naaaw, we don't want it. We don't need it. Screw manners. Oh look we're so cool we call strangers names. Oh look I dare to shout at someone who's two heads taller than me, wow! Oh, haha.



*end of rant*


Other than that, it was a pleasant day, actually. ^^


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You should have turned him over your knee and given him what-for.


... Or maybe not. I don't think manners are old fashioned or that they're vanishing. There have always been rude kids like that in the world, and there always will be.

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Oh haha no...


better not. Well, in a way that's true, but I would never have been that way at that age (or younger. Heck, 11-year-olds haverun into me and then going all like "Wat the **** why you stand in the way ****!?!?") And most/many people I know would agree that it's gotten worse over the past few years... Maybe that's just a problem over here though :shrugs:

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The boy is a fool. He will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.


Yeah, though, I'm kind of shocked too. It's been a while since I heard of anything that insane. Just because I like to rail against my generation doesn't mean I see this level of rudeness much. XP


But I'm quite glad it was otherwise a pleasant day. ^_^






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I bet it's school. Kids are hearing curse words and bringing them to school, and since none of them know that profanity is meant to be taken seriously, they use it all the time. And despite being homeschooled, I know that schoolkids joke to each other about being "ugly" or "stupid" or "disliked" because I've hung around both schoolkids and homeschooled kids.


My basis for this theory? Schoolkids curse more and crack more inappropriate jokes than homeschoolers.

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@Overlord: But I wouldn't want him in my collective! :cry:

Yep, it was the rudeness that shocked me the most, too.

Thanks. ^^


@Legolover-361: I neither fully agree nor disagree with you. I mean, I've been going to (public) shool for my whole school career, and to me it doesn't seem like I curse a lot. (so I guess it just doesn't apply to everyone)

HOWEVER, my first encounters with curse words were at school, so I suppose you're right on that matter.

... strangely enough, even after all these years, every now and then I stumble over words which everyone but me seems to know... :rolleyes:


But overall I do guess you're right.


@Sweetie Belle: Me too. ._.

Well, who knows.

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I should probably have said, "On average, schoolkids curse more and crack more inappropriate jokes than homeschoolers" -- though, to be honest, I only know one schoolkid who doesn't follow the norm. XP

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You could always try to defer him to another collective... oh wait.


And not to sound like too much of a stalker, but I agree with Bionicle Raptor. XP





:b: :i: :m_o: :m: :a: :n: :c: :e: :r:~

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Terrible indeed. =(


I agree that manners doesn´t appear as frequently as they used to. But I´ll have to comment on Legolover's theory, too. I´ve been going to both a public school and a private school, and for one thing I practically never curse (what´s the use?), and what´s more, I´ve noticed that swearing, etc. aren´t exactly used less, but more effectfully at private school. The kids there seem to know what the words mean. (Though that might just be because I was older when going to the private school).


Also, I agree with Bionicle Raptor and Overlord in that other thing, as well - from the pictures you´ve been posting, you look very good. =)

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