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Now, There's Bronies, And Then There's Bronatics



And the problem is, I just had to invent the second word. You see, there are separate divisions. Bronies , male human beings who like MLP, and Bronatics, people of the same gender who are utterly obsessed with it. (Nothing against Bronatics, as the number of Bionatics is much higher on here.)


So I, Zarayna, Declare the new term "Bronatics" to be fully Zarapproved!


Now, for a terrible confession.


I am a brony.


I found MLP to be childish, amusing, and overall funny.


I watched the Halloween episode, and the Lesson Zero episode.


Twilight half mad is absolutely hilarious.


Of course, I find the ends of the episodes to usually be extremely sappy.


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I see what you mean, there are people who are crazy about the show, and then there are regular fans.


I can say that I am fine with both, nothing wrong with being a fan (even an extreme one).


Welcome to the fandom, Zar.



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Incorrect, I am differentiating myself from people who by nature are different than me.


...MLP avatars still drive me nuts, ftr. I currently never know who is who among them.

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Incorrect, I am differentiating myself from people who by nature are different than me. ...MLP avatars still drive me nuts, ftr. I currently never know who is who among them.

By creating an entirely new category just to do so. It just pains you to be classified into such a broad category which you once found intolerable that you must make one up just so you won't be like 'one of us', doesn't it?

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Incorrect. You see, when people scream hate at bronies, they think they're screaming at people who are on par with twilight fangirls. Thus, after finding the official definition of bronies, I decided bronatics and bronies needed to be separated.

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Incorrect. You see, when people scream hate at bronies, they think they're screaming at people who are on par with twilight fangirls. Thus, after finding the official definition of bronies, I decided bronatics and bronies needed to be separated.
So, splitting the group so that you won't be classified with those who receive the most hate. The term Brony merely refers to any fan outside of the target demographic. There are many many bronies out there and what applies to one hardly ever applies to another. We're all bronies no matter how dedicated we are. There's no need for this silly schism.
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You pointlessly split up a fanbase into two categories just because you don't want to be the target of dislike.


Yeah, that sounds just like you.


And "Bronatics" barely even makes sense.

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A name typically given to the male viewers/fans (whether they are straight, gay, bisexual, etc.) of the My Little Pony show or franchise. They typically do not give in to the hype that males aren't allowed to enjoy things that may be intended for females.


To quote the urban dictionary.


Thus, as it says, the term is extremely wide, so I invented a subterm. May I ask why everyone is raging at me for it?

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A name typically given to the male viewers/fans (whether they are straight, gay, bisexual, etc.) of the My Little Pony show or franchise. They typically do not give in to the hype that males aren't allowed to enjoy things that may be intended for females.
To quote the urban dictionary. Thus, as it says, the term is extremely wide, so I invented a subterm. May I ask why everyone is raging at me for it?

Probably because the whole premise of the show is "Friendship is Magic". Trying to divide the fanbase into different "labels" doesn't exactly strike as a "friendly" thing to do.


Yes, there are bronies who perhaps take things a bit too far, but there's sill no need to go and label them something else.


That's my two cents.

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A name typically given to the male viewers/fans (whether they are straight, gay, bisexual, etc.) of the My Little Pony show or franchise. They typically do not give in to the hype that males aren't allowed to enjoy things that may be intended for females.
To quote the urban dictionary. Thus, as it says, the term is extremely wide, so I invented a subterm. May I ask why everyone is raging at me for it?
Probably because the whole premise of the show is "Friendship is Magic". Trying to divide the fanbase into different "labels" doesn't exactly strike as a "friendly" thing to do. Yes, there are bronies who perhaps take things a bit too far, but there's sill no need to go and label them something else. That's my two cents.
This seems to be the general consensus here.
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Friendship is magic, friendship isn't chaos. :P


Even still, I fail to see why everyone, in their refutations, fall to personal attacks. Not the way to debate...

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>sees a valid observation

>calls me a troll

>"lol guys don't fall to personal attacks in a debate lol"


Really helping your credibility there.

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Valid observation? I saw you trolling me.


After all:


>You made an assumption of my motives based off of no clear fact.

>You also took the chance to include a nice little personal insult.


So yes, I called you a troll for a good reason. The fact that you have quite a rep also factors in. ;)

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