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Updates That May Or May Not Include Ponies



Yes, it includes ponies.


You know that contest I was talking about earlier? Yeah, that's not going so well. Within the past few hours, I managed becoming 3 votes ahead to 9 votes behind. ><

Feels bad, mare.

At least I have that other contest to look forward to. Don't worry, I don't need to milk out votes from everyone I know (and some that I don't know!). Instead, a group of judges will determine the winners.

Now that I think about it, I've told you about this before. I even showed you me entry.


Here it is!


There have been only seven entries so far and, to be honest, it looks like I've got this one in the bag. Not to say that the other entries are bad in any way, it's just that I think I have a better chance at winning... Look, I'm trying to put this as delicately as I can, okay?! XP




Then we've got school news. Like always, I procrastinated with my next essay. I know exactly... well close-to-exactly know what I'm gonna do for this one. It's a literary analysis paper so I'm gonna take lyrics to a Dead Can Dance song and analyze the chivalry out of it. I have to admit, I was tempted to go with Giggle at the Ghostlie. :P

I also have astronomy class tomorrow. =/

Not that I don't like the class, it's just that it's so LONG. Five hours of leaurnding.

That and I want to try to get more votes before the poll closes. I was expecting it to close an hour ago... and 25 hours ago... but it never did. Good for me because I need the time to rally up more troops. =P




And that's my entry.

Go to bed.


Recommended Comments

Here's what some people said:


Had a look at the contest and Shutter Stream was an instant like for me, so she's just got my vote.  I love Ghostbusters, and seeing as I just watched the film today, you couldn't have timed it better! Hope she wins! ;)


Continuing the running theme of me being a complete recluse when it comes to pop culture, I've never actually seen Ghostbusters (I know, I know!) but your friend's submission was easily my favourite there; I actually signed into my dA account (which I've never actually used and I last signed in to about two years ago...) to vote, so best of luck to your friend, it'll be a well-deserved win if she's successful!


I had a look and Shutter Stream was the best one anyway so I could vote for her completely honestly


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Laughin' Man also came to my site and got a bunch of us to vote for you. Unfortunately it doesn't appear to have helped much...

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Laughin' Man also came to my site and got a bunch of us to vote for you. Unfortunately it doesn't appear to have helped much...
I beg to differ.

Without those votes, I wouldn't be as close as I am now.

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