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Candidates For Boxtus Game Of The Year

MT Zehvor


So it's time once again(or, at least, close to time) for our game of the year awards, which is always decided by who shows up on this blog to cast a vote. In years past, it sometimes completely agrees with my opinion(Fallout 3 in 2008) and sometimes completely differs(Other M in 2010). Whatever the case, it's time to start nominating games for this year's best of show: Oh, and since there's no Metroid game up this time, perhaps there'll be a fair voting.


Metroid has some ridiculous history of winning on this blog and back when the Boxtus awards weren't on BZP.


Anyways, here's how we're doing it this year: The top 4 seeds in the contest are determined by the overall critic rating on Metacritic, a non-forum game site that compiles ratings by most major game critics and averages them out. I then take those scores, and average them with the user ratings to determine which games have the highest ratings. The bottom 4 seeds are determined solely by Boxtus fans nominations and then voting: Who would you like to see in this?


(NOTE: No re-releases of any kind are allowed. Remakes, however, are)


The top 4 seeds for this year are, in order...


#1: The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim(9.2 Average, PC, 360, PS3)

#2: Batman: Arkham City(9.1 PC, 360, PS3)

#3: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword(9.0, Wii)

#4: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception(8.7, PS3)


So get nominating!




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Modern Warfare 3 isn't up there? And where is Portal 2? Or Minecraft? I'm pretty sure those three games have gotten exceptional reviews.


Anywho, for the nominations side... gosh. Skyrim or Skyward Sword or Arkham City?



I'm gonna have to get back to you.



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Well, Minecraft is a game that I find a bit hard to classify. Yes, it was technically "released" today, but basically the entire game, aside from an extra level and a couple graphic/sound/AI updates, has been out for pretty much a whole year now. I don't technically consider it a game that came out this year.


As for MW3, it's average score was only like a 7.6 or something. If you want to nominate it, that's fine. I was going by Metacritic score.


Portal 2 nomination noted.



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Very well. Minecraft can be nominated.



Portal 2




(and just to tick everyone off, I'm going to nominate)


Battlefield 3




NOTE: There will be a period after the nominating entry closes that you will be able to vote for each of the nominations, as to whether it should make it into the final bracket or not.



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How about I just combine the two into one.


Speaking of which, I should probably nominate its DS counterpart, Okamiden, even though it'll go nowhere. It just has to be done.



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Just to tick you off MT, I'm gonna go ahead and nominate Super Mario 3D Land. :)

Not literally meant to tick you off tho MT, no worries. :P



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Interesting nomination, though I think you're much more likely to tick PETA off than anyone else.


I'll put Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 out there as well.



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I heard about that. They said it was a joke. Clearly they received too much negative press. That's what happens when you attack a company like Nintendo. :P


I've been wanting to try MvC 3 for awhile. Too bad nobody I know owns it. And I don't own a console that it's on. Stupid Wii.



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Well, haven't played it yet because I'm still busy in Skyrim, but you might as well put Assassin's creed Revelations up for nomination.


And as much as I love Portal 2, I will be truly shocked if Skyrim doesn't win game of the year.



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OBJECTION! CE Anniversary is great, and I do like it (though I don't own it) and Halo in general, but it is a remake/rerelease. Its basically like an upgraded version of a 2001 game. So I don't think that should be elligible.


I nominate Babysitting Mama, Cartoon Network Punchtime Explosion, and Hulk Hogan's Main Event.


Because they should all win.

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