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Car Accident



Had a car accident on Thanksgiving day while heading home from college.


There was a lot of traffic on the freeway, so the car (Scion TC) in front of me came to a slow stop. I in turn did the same thing with my SUV (Honda CR-V). Unfortunately, the truck (GMC Sierra) behind me did not. It slammed into my car. This caused my vehicle to strike the car in front of me.


Fortunately, no one was hurt. The cars on the other hand took a beating. The trunk of my SUV no longer closes properly. I cannot lock the doors anymore with BOTH electronic keys. There is a massive dent on my trunk with the rear bumper damaged. The frame of the SUV got crushed lengthwise. The front wasn't damaged much, but the license plate and the metal panel containing the license plate were bent on top and bottom. The truck behind my SUV looked undamaged to me, but the Scion's trunk got damaged as well as the rear bumper. A police officer and a highway patrol officer came by to make sure we were okay. The drivers and I exchanged our information and went our separate ways.


Now I'll have to drive my mom's new SUV until CR-V gets repaired.


I come home with an older car, I go back with a newer car. T_T


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If the frame of the car is bent, I'm surprisd it isn't totalled.


And of course I'm happy that you weren't hurt. Must have been scary though.


- 55555

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I'm surprised the car wasn't a total write-off after being hit by a TRUCK! You're lucky! :o

I know, right? Kinda surprised that the air bags didn't go off.


I'm glad you're not hurt, man.

Thanks a lot. :)


If the frame of the car is bent, I'm surprisd it isn't totalled.And of course I'm happy that you weren't hurt. Must have been scary though.- 55555

I was surprised too. It was scary because I could see through the mirror that the truck was going to plow right into my car.


Glad to hear you're okay. Go figure the guy who causes the accident has the least amount of damage. :glare: :music:

That truck is built tough. GMC must be happy. :P

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