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Powercast Stuff

Takuma Nuva


So, there's a few things I'd like to say that are BZPowercast related...


First off, it's been a struggle at times, but I've managed to sneak onto every single powercast episode since I was promoted to staff.




Okay, maybe not so much sneaking as "fighting to keep it alive" but whatevs. What I want to know is if you guys have been listening to it at all. Mainly I'm looking for feedback. As some of you may know, I dream one day of working radio. How am I doing so far? Am I speaking clearly? Do I make sense? Do I bore you? Do I have some sort of crazy Minnesota accent or just a mush-mouth? Do y'all listen to the secret easter eggs at the end of each episode? *coughponycough* Does my audio have good quality or should I get a better microphone?




Do you guys remember that part where Sixxer said you could send in audio clips to the powercast? Well now I'm ordering you to do it! Ask questions about Bionicle! BZPower! Heck, it could be about sandwiches, macadamias, or ponies for all I care. I can't guarantee those'll make it on, but I'll see if the bossman can be swayed. ;)


Hmm, random thought. Maybe I should re-write "The Night Before Christmas" as a Bionicle comedy and get somebody to read it through on the powercast this month...






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I listen to the powercast all the time, even all of smeags epic songs, and the bloopers at the end (including the ones where you and B6 talk about ponies and star trek) you do make sense (most of the time). you do not bore me. I never noticed a crazy accent. no mush mouth here. your doing fine so far. you speak clearly.

I have noticed you've slithered into all the episodes since you were promoted (I actually consider you a co-host now, IMO) your audio guality is fine, actually a lot better than some powercast people *notmention*

I'd love to ask questions, and im glad that you overlords are getting more member interactive.

I could read a "Night before christmas" bionicle comedy if i'm not playing terraria too much.....


did I answer all your questions without completely embarrasing myself?

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I listen to the powercast all the time, even all of smeags epic songs, and the bloopers at the end (including the ones where you and B6 talk about ponies and star trek) you do make sense (most of the time). you do not bore me. I never noticed a crazy accent. no mush mouth here. your doing fine so far. you speak clearly.I have noticed you've slithered into all the episodes since you were promoted (I actually consider you a co-host now, IMO) your audio guality is fine, actually a lot better than some powercast people *notmention*I'd love to ask questions, and im glad that you overlords are getting more member interactive.I could read a "Night before christmas" bionicle comedy if i'm not playing terraria too much.....[/excited]did I answer all your questions without completely embarrasing myself?

To tell the truth, I wasn't expecting any replies, let alone one this good. :D


Thanks for all the feedback!

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