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Terrible Writing And Christmas Hats

The Dark Chronicler


I was reading a member's past stories when I found this terrible piece of writing. Be warned, it is awful.


Vahki 759476 ran. He knew he couldn't outrun his attackers but he ran anyway. His gears sparked, one of his weopons was gone, and his companions melted by viles of silver liqiud thrown at them by the matoran.


The ones chasing him caught up and hit him with the viles.His body started to melt then solidify into a new form.He leaped onto the closest building and ran to the nearest repair shed.


When he got there he saw his squad leader talking to the hive captain.


''Turaga Dume says to find and destroy the Toa'' the hive captian said.


''Why?What have Toa ever done to us?''asked Vahki 759476.


The squad leader and the hive captian both look to see him clad in armor that glowed with energy.''What has happend to you?''asked the squad captain.


''whatever happened you are now deformed and must be destroyed.''said the hive captian.


''Never!''shouted the squad leader as he smashed into the hive captain.they sparked as they fought until both were destroyed and only scap parts remained.


''My squad leader sacrifised himself to save me.I must honer him by wielding his shield in battle.I am now Vahki Nuva!''he said.


Vahki Nuva ran to the coliseum.When he arrived he saw three Toa being pulled into a pit and three others under attack by Vahki.The red one shot two disks both hitting a statue of Toa Lihkan.He saw the disks would not be enough to fall the statue, so he rammed into it from behind,tumbling the statue,and sending him flying into the pit.


When he got back up he was in the tunnel to Turaga Dume's chamber.He knew it was an imposter for the real Turaga Dume would never hurt Toa.Then he saw a strange sphere,cracking it open he saw the real Turaga Dume.


Now the other Vahki had surrounded him.Weopons ready, he smashed through the other Vahki destroying them.


After an hour of so he reached Dume's chamber and smashed the door down.He saw Fake Dume floating in the air with a giant hand grabbing some figures he could not identify.Then the hand reached for the power plant,if it grabbed that it would be unstopable.He had to stop it,so he shot his disk,hitting the imposter,and solidefied him.The beast flew into the air and to the great barrier.


''As long as villans like that exist i will fight them!''he shouted.


And untill the matoran returned,he did.



Yes, I wrote that a few years ago. Anyone think I should rewrite it now that I've gotten a lot better at writing?





Also, I have had an idea.


All BZP Members should put a Christmas hat into their Avatars.


It's easy to do, and somewhat comical.


I highly recommend it.










Recommended Comments

Aside from hats and the lack of them, interesting story.


It strikes me as a little random, and it just kind of takes off. Why are Matoran attacking the Vahki, for example? It's also an interesting concept, but very brief and jumpy. If you do rewrite the story, those are some things I'd look at.


Why not rewrite it? Looking at the original, I can't say I'm very enthusiastic about it, but that can change. You have gotten a lot better at writing, and it might turn out quite good.

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Yeah... it stinks. Also, you need a hat.


That's what I wanted to fix in the rewrite. I want detail, information, explanation for what happened in the story. It just seemed to jump from point to point without any reasoning.


Trust me, the rewrite should be a whole lot better, and have more of a plot to it than this original version did.




It seems you don't even have to celebrate Christmas to put a hat in your avatar and spread some winter cheer. Awesome!

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No seriously, Vahki Nuva? Besides that, It's highly illogical that the Vahki would be able to split off of the Hivemind mentality. It would take a tremendous amount of USS Enterprises to do that.

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