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Update On The Wet Manes

Angel Beat


So yeah, no more wet manes~


Too much detail in the last one, lol. Even bloggies slip up.


(So for those of you who did catch that other entry, don't mention the contents.)


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Thank goodness. the making-out-passionately pony banners and girls wearing almost nothing that're plastered around the forum were fine, but thank Celestia there's no more children's cartoon ponies in a barely seductive pose.

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Thank goodness. the making-out-passionately pony banners and girls wearing almost nothing that're plastered around the forum were fine, but thank Celestia there's no more children's cartoon ponies in a barely seductive pose.
Yes Yes! While they're at it why not ban everything even remotely appealing to a person and make it padded, boring, safe room of a site for kids!


Really, this is ridiculous. How is this banned when the banners containing certain content(A while back) wasn't?

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Thank goodness. the making-out-passionately pony banners and girls wearing almost nothing that're plastered around the forum were fine, but thank Celestia there's no more children's cartoon ponies in a barely seductive pose.
Yes Yes! While they're at it why not ban everything even remotely appealing to a person and make it padded, boring, safe room of a site for kids! Really, this is ridiculous. How is this banned when the banners containing certain content(A while back) wasn't?

Because there is nothing innapopriate about people kissing, but pictures from a fad created to be creepy and near-fetish aren't. You guys may have been being clean with them, but the fad isn't a clean one. Sorry.

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Thank goodness. the making-out-passionately pony banners and girls wearing almost nothing that're plastered around the forum were fine, but thank Celestia there's no more children's cartoon ponies in a barely seductive pose.
Yes Yes! While they're at it why not ban everything even remotely appealing to a person and make it padded, boring, safe room of a site for kids! Really, this is ridiculous. How is this banned when the banners containing certain content(A while back) wasn't?
Because there is nothing innapopriate about people kissing, but pictures from a fad created to be creepy and near-fetish aren't. You guys may have been being clean with them, but the fad isn't a clean one. Sorry.

But what about the other seductive picture?

Such as bikini pics, and stuff?

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Thank goodness. the making-out-passionately pony banners and girls wearing almost nothing that're plastered around the forum were fine, but thank Celestia there's no more children's cartoon ponies in a barely seductive pose.
Yes Yes! While they're at it why not ban everything even remotely appealing to a person and make it padded, boring, safe room of a site for kids! Really, this is ridiculous. How is this banned when the banners containing certain content(A while back) wasn't?
Because there is nothing innapopriate about people kissing, but pictures from a fad created to be creepy and near-fetish aren't. You guys may have been being clean with them, but the fad isn't a clean one. Sorry.
But what about the other seductive picture?Such as bikini pics, and stuff?

Sorry, but there's nothing inappropriate about someone in a bikini either. It's not that the ponies were "posed seductively" or anything like that. It's the fact that the "wet pony fad" is based in fetish pornography. And this is the end of the discussion.

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... To my knowledge that's not how they originated. =

Maybe not. But it's what the fad has become on places that aren't BZPower, and that's why they're not allowed.

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Alright, either google, google images, every user-generated art site I could dig up with the two that had a lot of pony-based stuff on it, and I are all missing a huge amount of information as to how it's inappropriate, or there's been a gigantic dose of misinformation here, because the only things that I can think of that could possibly link the entirety of the fad to anything sexual are a few comments on the original vector's source, emphasis on "few" - you can probably count the total number of alluding comments and uses of the word "sexy" on your hands, and it's not exactly fair to use a small fringe like that to typify the entire community - and otherwise, I'm drawing a blank about how it's sexual. If you could clarify via PM, I'd appreciate it, because this baffles me, and while I'll respect the rules, I like the know the rationale of what I obey.

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Technically, the fad going on before the downtime was way more inappropriate than what's going on now. Even though it's people kissing, it's stuff that, if a kid was on a computer scrolling down the page and his parents saw those images, they'd probably ban him from going on there. That's not the type of stuff that should be on a kids' website.


Plus, girls in bikinis can be a little inappropriate for again, a kids' website. Those are the type of images that can have a much, much more wider span of inappropriate comments, but people started to act a little less mature about MLP apparently.


Still, the two subjects aforementioned are more inappropriate than wet manes MLP could be at the moment, but that's only if people were to act maturely about this.

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Guest kopakanuva13


What the heck are these wet mane shenanigans and why does it sound so filthy o-o

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