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An Unproductive Day, A Nice Evening

Soaring Strawberry


Background Music: "Creeping in my Soul" :music:


I struggled to get my homework, so I didn't complete much. As a Senior, I felt terrible for that.


But then Mom got home... and the comic was in the mail! But on a meeting night again... Why must I suffer? :begging:


Just Kidding. I got to read it because I got ready before Mom was. I loved how the Story page became a two page spread featuring all 6 Barraki! Then of course the page featuring the art. The due date is May, so I have enough time to make an entry! Finally, I decide to enter... Wait, is there an age limit? I am 18, and I know that stopped me from entering in the Free the Band Sweepstakes...


*Checks in Magazine*


YAY! No age limit! :happydance: Who's with me? *utter silence*


Oh, well. :notsure:


The meeting was all right. Tom Cat came and filled in as Worthy Advisor. This is the second meeting that I haven't used my WA gavel. Where is it, anyway?

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I saw that contest in my Lego Magazine too and thought about entering something of my own. Considering you're two years older than me, that probably comes with more artistic experience, because I can draw stuff, just not Bionicle stuff. I drew Vakama wearing the Kanohi Vahi one time, but that's all. Anyway, good luck with your entry! ^_^



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