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People Who Don't Like Mlp



Okay, this has been bugging me for a while.

To people against MLP, what reasons do you have besides "it's a little girl show" for not liking it?


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I'm certainly not against the show or people who watch it, but I found it kinda boring when I watched some of it. No idea why so many people seem to loathe it though. It's not like it's any of their business what someone else watches.

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I dunno, they´re a degenerate subspecies?


They probably think it has to do with gender and are old-fashioned gender stereotypists.

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The fanbase, for one - to be blunt, I find it obnoxious and annoying to see avatars and sigs of ponies everywhere. I can understand some people like it - what I don't understand is the obsession with the show.


Second, I do not care for the plot style, the animation style, or the writing style. I've never cared for the works of the show's writer Simply put, I don't care for really anything the show has to offer - some may, but not me. It doesn't match up with my interests.



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The fanbase, for one - to be blunt, I find it obnoxious and annoying to see avatars and sigs of ponies everywhere. I can understand some people like it - what I don't understand is the obsession with the show.

I never cared much for all of the Homestuck avatars and banners that were around pretty much everywhere before the downtime, but I still accepted them as part of the then-current "scenery", as it were. :)


If I didn't care for MLP, I'd treat those avatars and banners the same way. :P

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The fanbase, for one - to be blunt, I find it obnoxious and annoying to see avatars and sigs of ponies everywhere. I can understand some people like it - what I don't understand is the obsession with the show.

This seems to be a common complaint around BZP (and not just for MLP). I understand if someone doesn't like a certain image; that's fine, but remember that avatars and banners are meant for self-expression. People can use whatever images suit them (assuming it's not objectionable, of course), and there's not much you can do about someone else's avatar but ignore it.


Now there is one thing that bothers me greatly about bronies in general, and that is that sometimes they don't know when to stop. Liking a show or franchise is perfectly fine, but bringing it up in irrelevant conversations and saying stuff like "everypony" outside of the context of MLP is rather excessive. Additionally, telling people that you like MLP is fine, and so is recommending it to them if they're okay with it, but don't try to "convert" everyone you can into a brony, or pester "haters" about it. That's not cool; it annoys people and makes you look bad.


I hope I don't sound hypocritical, as I am a brony, and have acted similarly to the behaviors described above (which I certainly regret). But from my observations, this seems to be the main issue with the community as a whole. At the end of the day, it's not a worldview or a lifestyle; it's just an interest, and should be treated as such.

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