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Arguing On The Internet



There's somethings I'll never understand about people who insist upon internet arguing.

Internet arguments don't work the same way as real arguments for two main reasons.

1. The argument doesn't take place in real time. You don't have to come up with a response while you're angry. Go do something else for a while, cool down, then come back and write a rational, and sensible reply.

2. You don't even have to continue arguing! This isn't like in the real world, where there's someone else in a room, and they want to argue. On the internet, you can just go literally anywhere else. Nothing is forcing you to argue. So don't.



So yeah, nothing BZP related. Just another site that I frequent has a lot of arguing at the moment, and it's driving me nuts.


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Well, I prefer fighting online over offline for the reasons you listed, but I'd prefer to do without both.


Now internet debating on the other hand..

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