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Just Some Notion

Tufi Piyufi


In the first contest voting forum (the one set aside for the BBC contest), there are twenty-nine polls for two hundred and eighty-four entries. 284. That's a pretty big number. It pushes the boundaries of the English alphabet, in fact. This was the least of my problems today, but hey. So, I came up with a solution, and moved on to the more pressing things.


Polls Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie. They've got a certain ring to them, don't they? I certainly like the sound.


Maybe I should do a full set of polls that way one time. Perhaps not this time, but maybe for #42. Eh? Whaddya think?


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Forty-Two! Forty-Two!


Lady Tufi, I salute you for the tedious task on doing the polls. At least you haven't lost your sanity :)

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I thought it was a very clever idea, Your Tuftedness. But what if there were more than 26 polls in the next contest too? You might have to use letters as well.



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That'd be a great idea! Make them animals. I'd love to vote in a Poll Moose. Or Poll Monkey. Yeah...


But first ya gotta stop stickin' me in the same poll with members who have fan followings. :P

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I think it should be saved for Bravo Bravo Charlie four-niner. Because then you can say niner.


NATO, for the win.

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Forty-Two! Forty-Two!


Lady Tufi, I salute you for the tedious task on doing the polls. At least you haven't lost your sanity :)

That would require me to still have it in the first place.


Ya know, Greek letters would have been so much cooler.

Nope, don't think so.


I thought it was a very clever idea, Your Tuftedness. But what if there were more than 26 polls in the next contest too? You might have to use letters as well.



Then I'll find me another phonetic alphabet, yeah. Or use Vahki names.


That'd be a great idea! Make them animals. I'd love to vote in a Poll Moose. Or Poll Monkey. Yeah...


But first ya gotta stop stickin' me in the same poll with members who have fan followings. :P

Honestly, after having to copy/paste over a thousand poll-related bits of text yesterday, I don't exactly have the patience for comments that suggest I had an idea of who was going in what poll with who. Not that I ever do, but hey.


I think it should be saved for Bravo Bravo Charlie four-niner. Because then you can say niner.


NATO, for the win.

Like I'll wait that long.

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... it just dawned on me that the Swedish alphabet does have exactly 29 characters if you treat V and W separately.


Gotta love Å, Ä and Ö. :P


And no, I won't tell you peeps how to pronounce those.



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I tell ya, it was so awesome to find that I wound up in "Poll Charlie." Pure awesome.


You could always make a contest with symbols instead of letters. "Poll ~", "Poll !", "Poll ?", "Poll @", "Poll ¥", "Poll ¢", etc. Certainly have enough of those.


But the names still win.



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