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Back From Denmark



Hey -- back from the big story meeting in Billund with various bits of news --


* I met with web producer Leah Kaae for half a day on Tuesday to discuss some future web plans. Then the whole story team met on Wednesday for about 9 hours.


* Got to see about 16 of the 2008 sets -- winter releases, one store exclusive, and some of the big sets for next year -- the big ones, I have to say, rival the Ultimate Collectors Series Star Wars sets for sheer, striking look -- plus some really nice functionality. Hope they do not change too much between now and end of next year. That was, of course, not all the sets for next year.


* Part of our time was spent discussing the "titan" sets for 2008 and the other store exclusives and what/who they should be. Some of the answers may surprise you :)


* The rest of the time was spent discussing the 2008 storyline, which we basically locked down, and some rough ideas on 2009. We are going to probably need another meeting to work on 2009 some more, probably in April or May. My next job is to break the 2008 story down into 24 bite-sized chunks for the team. If you liked 2006 and 2007, and if you like old, familiar faces reappearing in the story, then you should like 2008. If you hated 2006 and 2007, I doubt 2008 will be much more to your taste -- and I have no idea how you will feel about 2009, too soon to tell.


* A little bit of book news -- the Piraka and Axonn WILL be appearing in Book 8, as will the Toa Nuva and Artakha.


* Glad to be home! I flew in Thursday, the day before the big snowstorm here, so outside of having to drive in it to pick up my wife at work, I was able to stay warm and dry through all the snow and sleet. So working on Book 8 today and then have to get back to WoW. Making a Sherlock Holmes sandwich for lunch as soon as this chapter is done, and then tonight is pizza and movie night around the Farshtey house :)




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Heh, that's funny to me.


I never expected ya to have a life... I thought work was enough.


What movie you planning?


Oh, and welcome home. -Swert

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Ooooh boy, I bet (one of (or the store exlusive)) the 08 titans is gonna be Karzhini. You said you weren't allowed to discuss set plans of the future...

But great news, Greg! I just can't wait till 08! ^.^

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i love your blogs! but sometimes i hate them, cause now i CAN'T WAIT too get to 2008 and 2009.

my family keep on saying to me at the moment, that i am getting to old for bionicle, but i tell them about people on here, they don't listen, but i am now determined to stay with bionicle until the 10th anniversary. :)

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Interesting, Artahka? My guess is that he'll have some sort of improtant role next year and maybe even be a set. Thanks for sharing Greg.



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Those sets sound impressive, especially the Titans. Can you tell us how many there will be, or is that forbidden ground?


You mention Artakha-- Is that in reference to the place, or has that been officially chosen as its ruler's name?


I'm impressed. I'd die for a job like yours. (Not like that would get me one, or that it wouldn't happen anyway :P )


- :vahi:

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Ooh... does that mean the 08 titans will be huge? I sure hope so... is it just me or does it sound like they are bringing actions back?


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they are, they are bringing gears back!? please??!

(this year i am now only getting the mahri, maybe maxilos and spinax, because 08 sounds SO cool!)

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You guys are going to pull a muscle jumping to conclusions - nothing in my post says anything about gears.



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That's awesome about being able to see next years sets. (although I guess everybody at Lego does)


I hope everything went well in planning. (You've said before sparks can fly sometimes)


Good news on seeing return of familiar characters. Especially the Nuva. And I thought the Piraka would have a return! (But do they still look like their selves from 2006?)




PS, just got the Atlas, and so far it's has some great info!

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*eye twitches*


*holds it all in*


*builds up*




OMG! Artakha in BL8! Oh my gosh, that sounds amazing. And 2008 being like 2006 and 2007? I hope that means more (as in quantitee) violent villains and dark times ahead.


All I can say Greg, is thank you for sharing these tidbits with us.


Have fun with your wife :) .


- :t::l::h:

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In 2008 perhaps the Nuva will return in a new form and there will be a super-evil villan team. Uhm Artakha in BL8? I'm very curious.:)

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Hmm, rivalling Ultimate Collectors' Series, eh? This ought to be an interesting part to Bionicle History. And when you say that, would they rival Ultimate Dume or Kardas? Just wondering...

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*Twitch* Well... a surpisingly great set of titans next year eh, o I am starting to think that with the universe going to end that we might be seeing a Mata Nui set soon enough :P


Can't wait to begin the new year =)



Vezok-Piraka of Water

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Interesting, Artahka? My guess is that he'll have some sort of improtant role next year and maybe even be a set. Thanks for sharing Greg.



that'd be nice having an artahka set next year with a mask of creation

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