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Friday 13Th

Wel, I was happily playing Warcraft 3, and I had just reached the end cinematic when there was a knock on the door.


Some girls playing next door had accidentally thrown their ball onto the roof of our car port, and the ball had landed in a difficult position to get it. I had to face my fear of heights and climb up and knock the ball down using a long rod, risking a head or neck injury.


I ended up missing most of the cinematic, and now I have to start the level over again to see it in full!


Well, that's Friday 13th for ya... -_-


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If I recall correctly, there's something like four Friday the 13ths this year. Ironically, two of those come the day after my birthday and the day after my half-birthday, which was yesterday.



A lot of the time, Friday the 13ths come in bunches, especially when January begins with one (and even more often when it's not a leap year, IIRC). It was the same way about three years ago.


So, look out MoZ--more annoyance is coming your way!



A lot of the time, Friday the 13ths come in bunches, especially when January begins with one (and even more often when it's not a leap year, IIRC). It was the same way about three years ago.So, look out MoZ--more annoyance is coming your way!

We have a leap year, though, so doesn't that change things a lot?


However, there is another one in April and another in July, so... not bad at all.


Anyhow, you can always just look up the video instead of replaying it (most games these days have cutscene revisiters anyway XP).



Warcraft 3 doesn't, so I had to use the God Mode cheat to end the level earlier (the quest was to protect Kel'thuzad the lich for 30 minutes but if you destroy all enemy bases the timer goes down to 5 seconds) and see what I missed.



We have a leap year, though, so doesn't that change things a lot?


Yeah, it certainly can, but I think mostly depending on which months the days fall in. Then again, I may just be remembering incorrectly. :shrugs:

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