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More Philosophical Questions

Doctor Norik


If we evolved from monkeys, why haven't monkeys evolved into us?


Is there actually intelligent life in the universe?


When an animal dies, should we give it a funeral?


Could we evolve into fish if global warming envelopes the planet?


Can ameobas feel love?


Can potatoes feel pain?


If "Whose Line is it Anyway" hadn't been canceled, would the world be a better place?





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um potatoes dont feel pain....i wonder why do you ask phylosophical qs?




PS:i wonder why did you choose me as the random member of the day...

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If we evolved from monkeys, why haven't monkeys evolved into us?


1). Evolution Takes Millions Of Years.


2). No, We Didn't. All Apes Basically Descended From The Same Monkey-Like Descendant; Some Found It Would Be Better To Stay In The Trees And Chatter A Lot, Some Preferred To Walk Upright And Scavenge From Hunters.


Is there actually intelligent life in the universe?


Well, Duh. There's Us.


When an animal dies, should we give it a funeral?


Depends On The Animal. Some Creatures, Namely Those Who We Had Some Sentimentality To, Deserve A Funeral Because We Want To Remember Them. A Mad Stray Dog Shot Down In The StreetShould Just Be Thrown Into The Ground And Left There.


Could we evolve into fish if global warming envelopes the planet?


Evolution Does Not Work The Way It Does On Pokemon. There Is Now Way Humanity Will Evolve Any Further In The Future, As The Process Takes Millions Of Years And The Natural Disasters Such As Global Warming Or The Next Scheduled Ice Age Will Come Too Fast. It Would Be Possible To Genetically Manipulate Human-Fish Hybrids, But They'd Be Too Stupid To Be Of Any Help.


Can ameobas feel love?


Of Course Not. They're Basically The Body's Own Industrial Vaccuum Cleaners, There To Suck Up Dirt. They Have No Need For Love, As Their Own Method Of Reproduction Involves Ripping Themselves In Half To Create Two New Amoebas.


Can potatoes feel pain?


Physically? No, They Have No Nerves. Mentally? Ask One.


If "Whose Line is it Anyway" hadn't been canceled, would the world be a better place?


Yes. Yes It Would. We Should Also Cancle All Versions Of Big Brother And Drive A Stake Through The Producer's Hearts To Prevent It from Happening Again.

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If we evolved from monkeys, why haven't monkeys evolved into us?

Beliwa nailed it perfectly. We're just variants.

Is there actually intelligent life in the universe?

No, one look at humanity is enough proof of our idiocy.

When an animal dies, should we give it a funeral?

If it's a dearly beloved pet or something, it might be appropriate if you have a small ceremony. If you're the reason it's dead, no.

Could we evolve into fish if global warming envelopes the planet?

No, but we might change into something. Don't be stupid.

Can ameobas feel love?

No. They're such mindless, chemically driven creatures that if they could feel love, they wouldn't know it. They reproduce asexually, also. They split in two, in layman's terms.

Can potatoes feel pain?


If "Whose Line is it Anyway" hadn't been canceled, would the world be a better place?

Probably not.

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Guest Phyoohrii


My thoughts - Not generally useful. :P

1) Because we wanted to.

2) 'So remember when you're feeling very small and insecure,

'How amazingly unlikely is your birth

'And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space,

''Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth!'

In other words, there better be.

3) Depends on the animal. If it's an insect, probably not. If it was a tortoise, probably ask it before it dies. You might be waiting for a while for an answer, especially one that makes sense.

4) If Global Warming slows down dramatically, to a million years per rise in degree (XD), then yes.

5) If they evolved. XD But no.

6) One would think that if something can inflict pain, they should surely feel pain also. Or not. :lol:

7) The only way I can see that show is if I wake up at 2 in the morning on a Saturday or something, or get Pay TV. So it doesn't bug me either way.


Now to what I was actually wanting to say - heehee. I mean, how do YOU do your RBZPotD?


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Guest Phyoohrii


I go to the online users list on the main forum page, close my eyes, and click.

See? Today's member is Piraka slayer.

...figures. No wonder I'm not on the list. :P


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1) No, we never evolved. There was a creator. For example, if you see a watch is on the ground, you don't think:

"Wow, that's so amazing how the materials from the ground combined to make a perfectly working mechanical object which tells time."

no, you think:

"Wow, someone lost their watch which was had-made by a watchmaker."

Also, if evolution takes millions of years, then how are the oldest traces of this earth not millions of years old?


Now the real question is, who's the watchmaker?




I just had to answer that correctly.


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