My Sydney Holiday Part 2
The night we arrived at the hotel, I realised I had left my pyjamas at home! :/ Now i have to wear what I wore that day to bed with me each night!
Yesterday I took a New South Wales electric train for the first time, going to Sydney's Luna Park.
It was while we were at Luna Park that I realised how much I had changed since going to Melbourne's Luna park with my grandmother so long ago. Very little there interested me; all I went on was the Dodgem Cars and Coney Island! I guess the heat didn't help either, because I can't stand the heat.
After we got home and relaxed a bit, we tried to find a Red Rooster restaurant in the area, but couldn't find one. We did find, however, that our hotel was not far from Sydney's Chinatown! For a while we thought that was why we couldn't find a Red Rooster (despite finding a KFC), but then when we returned, we asked the receptionist, and he said he had never heard of Red Rooster! Tha told us that there are none in New South Wales.
Later, my dad went shopping and got some cereal and chips for the rest of the holiday... and then realised our room doesn't have any bowls! XD
It was hard to sleep that night, because the roof of my mouth had started to hurt as if I had acute Tonsilitis again. However I believe it was just from a lack of water compared to how much we walked and how hot it was.
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