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Bziii: Seven Heavenly Virtues



Member TX Wade has posted his idea to create a toa team with members based on the Seven Heavenly Virtues that counters the Daedra. This is the entry in which to discuss said idea; therefore, I will update this one as pertinent to keep up with discussion.


First Day of Discussion:


It has been largely agreed upon that this team of Virtues should be more than just foils to the Daedra.


TX Wade stated that this group will have a twist of some sort. To quote Parugi of Congratulations: '...A reason for being'.



Members Hubert and Parugi have stated one or two of their characters may join. Parugi also put forth the idea that perhaps the virtuous toa team could be more out to protect the island in general as opposed to merely combatting the Daedra.



Member Benluke-116 proposed:

Perhaps the members could all be reluctant about becoming heroes? And making them fight more enemies then just the Toa Daedra would be an good idea.

Another random thought: How about having an member that's a Skakdi or a Vortixx? He/She would still use 'Toa' as a title.

TX has vocalized his support for the general idea of the first paragraph, but also expressed he feels that this team's members should not strive for heroism. He believes they should instead try to become 'guardians'.


Second Day of Discussion:


TX Wade and Parugi expressed their dislike for the second of Benluke's proposals. They believe that skakdi and vortixx have certain evil or more neutral stigmas and do not fit in a 'toa team'.


Toa Onarax and Zoma stated that they would like Humility and Patience, respectively. Meanwhile, Parugi specified that the character he has who may join the group could serve as either Temperance or Diligence.


TX stated that he will take whichever virtue is left. He added that he is currently leaning towards Charity and Kindness.


Recommended Comments

Well then...it's decided! BenLuke, your character for kindness is a go and Mef, either you can convert yoru character to charity or make an entirely different character. No rush, you've got time before you get recruited.

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On the concept of opposites to fight, I may have one of the worst.


I have to fight the most violent one in the Daedra bunch, Wrath... the living embodiment of anger and brutal fury.


And I have to do it with a calm guy.


Oh what fun. XD

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Some virtues are simply harder to take care of than others...


Speaking of the Daedra, has there been any recent activity with them?

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And so the Anime BZPRPG: The Holy Battles has begun it's first arc.


A list of other animes taking place at the same time:

Marks of Destiny

Chronicling the Journey

A Candle in the Darkness

The Coming of the Mystix

Flash Freeze

Healing our Wounds

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I was going to rejoin the bzprpg with my some of my old characters and I wanted to bring back my Toa Arete. He won't be involved with your story line. Temperance Brutus was one of my favorite characters back then and I really want to bring him back. But I would like to ask for permission to use him first.

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Hey, he's your character so I really have no say in this. My character's temperance in this group so just don't go and try to replace me or steal my thunder :P

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What do you mean he's not ready yet? As in he's not humility material yet? He doesn't have to change right away, he could join and change over time.


Or is it involving a plot?

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I don't know I just feel like there's more he should do on his own, or with Kahuwa and the others, first before joining a team. In the current situation I feel he would reject any offer made to him to join a team.

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Your choice but at the least, make sure to join us before the Daedra fully assemble. :P


Either we pass by or we meet up with you, give you our card, figuratively speaking, and you'll find us eventually.

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