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Not-So-Common Sense

a goose


Alright, you all enjoyed the common sense quiz, so I'll give you something: The final answer to a question that has been debated for centuries.


If you were stuck on a desert island, and could have one thing, what would it be?



A boat. Duh. XD

To be specific, a paintless, fuelless wooden boat.




- Vorex


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The correct answer is a well-manned ship because you'd have to be a huge fool to try to travel back to society in a simple boat that one person can man. Also, technically, "well-manned ship" is a single thing. There's nothing to indicate that an addition to a boat (be it paint or people) is counted separately. Otherwise, we might as well count whatever's holding together the wooden planks.

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@BioGio: I count them as a seperate item. They are ON the ship; Not part of it. Much like the paint, they are not absolutely necessary to the chosen item's structure. Whatever's holding together the wooden planks is an actual part of the boat.

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I would get one of those airplane crash watches that when you pull the pin it sends a rescue signal. assuming that it is on earth, then people would come to search for me. otherwise, nobody could row a boat across an ocean alone in such harsh conditions like low provisions, it would be suicide

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Bah a boat, boring, I'd wish to have an amazing scientists by my side who could transform, using his amazing intellect, the island into my own personal secret base, completely with underground networks that span across the Earth, through which I can speed through using human friendly protodermis pipes.


That or a Toa Stone which works on humans.


Perhaps a dragon I can control.


Actually I just want Nightcrawler.

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