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[[09:53:07 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Whoa, there are horns in "I Can Barely Say".


[09:53:11 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Normally you only hear strings.


[09:53:17 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : But strings and brass sounds awesome.


[09:54:45 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I'm surprised so many people find The Fray boring. =/


[09:55:02 08/02/12] * Zarayna: The Quiet Light is listening to gotta bo somebody by Nickelback


[09:55:24 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Nickelback isn't bad from what I've heard by them.


[09:55:39 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : People seem to hate them, too.


[09:55:56 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : I dunno why


[09:55:59 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : ...


[09:56:00 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I get the feeling those are the people who like Lady Gaga. =S


[09:56:19 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : (insert a long series of bleeped out statements)


[09:56:23 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : ...Itunes


[09:56:34 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : If you were a person, I would throttle you


[09:56:40 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : WHY WON'T YOU WORK?????


[09:57:20 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : XD


[09:57:32 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : it froze up again??


[10:00:17 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : ...I was right about the Lady Gaga comment.


[10:00:25 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Rolling Stone's ratings:


[10:00:38 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Scars & Stories by The Fray: 2/5 stars


[10:00:44 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : XD


[10:00:49 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Born This Way by Lady Gaga: 4/5 stars


[10:00:56 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : WAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN


[10:01:07 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : ...


[10:01:13 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : those poor people


[10:01:18 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I know.


[10:01:38 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : They've been sucked in by the shallow, unremarkable electro-pop tunes of Lady Gaga. :<


[10:02:00 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Even if you get past the music itself, though, you can't help but be disappointed by how Lady Gaga doesn't take advantage of her singing voice.


[10:02:10 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : GRASAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH


[10:02:14 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : I DELETE ONE SONG


[10:02:17 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : ITUNES


[10:02:21 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : FREEZES UP


[10:02:29 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : WHAT ON EARTH???


[10:02:32 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : oO


[10:02:45 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Also, "Hair" is the most ridiculous song I've heard. XD


[10:03:00 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Well, it's the most ridiculous song I've heard lyrically.


[10:03:01 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : lol?


[10:03:07 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Want to know what it's about?


[10:03:24 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : it got the hint, and only freezes up for a few seconds


[10:03:25 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : sure


[10:04:09 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Okay.


[10:04:17 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Lady Gaga sings about wanting to wear "cool clothes" out.


[10:04:34 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Then she sings about how her parents refuse to let her wear such clothes, then, while she's sleeping, cut off part of her hair.


[10:04:45 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : And then in the chorus, Lady Gaga laments about not being able to express herself.


[10:05:02 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I'm serious. That's what the entire song is about.


[10:05:47 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : .


[10:05:49 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : .


[10:05:49 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : .


[10:05:55 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : I...


[10:05:58 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : I...


[10:06:02 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : I...


[10:06:14 08/02/12] * Zarayna: The Quiet Light breaks off, and just blinks and stares, his mouth gaping


[10:06:35 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Okay, I can understand being ticked off by having your hair cut off during the night, but not being able to wear "cool clothes"?


[10:06:44 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : She sounds like a whiny teenager, doesn't she?




[10:07:38 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I couldn't listen to the entire song.


[10:07:47 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : Perhaps mentally she is?


[10:07:58 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : I applaud your courage in listening past the first ten seconds


[10:08:14 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : So do I. I nearly killed myself doing so. :<


[10:08:54 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : ow


[10:09:03 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : is it worse than Friday?


[10:09:18 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Not the tune.


[10:09:21 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : The tune isn't half-bad.


[10:09:26 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : But the lyrics? Ohhh yes,.


[10:09:28 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : *yes.


[10:09:37 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : poor you.


[10:09:42 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : ...Oh no.


[10:09:48 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : Now I want to listen to it'


[10:09:52 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : NOOOOO


[10:11:02 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : (Song Link)


[10:12:04 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : you're no help in stopping me!


[10:12:12 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : You're sending me to my death. :o


[10:12:21 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Nah. It won't be your death.


[10:12:33 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I have the hospital on the line right now. ;D


[10:13:03 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light :


[10:14:15 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : oh gosh


[10:14:16 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : it's insipid, but not as bad as Friday


[10:14:20 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I'm listening to the song again right now.


[10:14:34 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : How can you write such horrific lyrics to a decent tune? :<


[10:14:52 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I just keep fightin' to stay cool on these streets


[10:15:08 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I am my hair


[10:15:11 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I am my hair


[10:15:55 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : I'm sorry Lady gaga, but your grasp on metaphysics is terrible.


[10:16:07 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : rule 1: a substance cannot be an accident.


[10:16:25 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : ...Your prayer? To what, I wonder?


[10:16:28 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Gaga, I thought our true selves are on the inside! :o


[10:17:03 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : You have a serious materialistic problem. If you think you are your possessions, I feel sorry for you.


[10:17:09 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : Is she praying ot her hair? XDDD


[10:17:17 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : *to


[10:17:23 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Nah, she's saying you can't take away her hair without taking away her soul.


[10:17:29 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : hmm


[10:17:29 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : ...I don't get it, either.


[10:17:55 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : well, if she is a strange form of human whose hair acts like their brain I can understand.


[10:18:14 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : but IMO, the only way to take my soul away from my body is to kill me.


[10:18:17 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : That would reinforce the idea that she's an alien.


[10:18:27 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : She looks like an alien.


[10:18:32 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Her music sounds alien.


[10:18:33 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : I agreee


[10:18:42 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : So if she's practically saying she's an alien...


[10:18:42 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : hmm


[10:18:51 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : I should post this on my blog.


[10:18:59 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Lol.


[10:19:07 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : The Lady Gaga fans will come down on you hard.


[10:19:07 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : So lady gaga wants racoon?


[10:19:12 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : that's strange tastes.


[10:19:26 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : are raccoon eatable?


[10:19:26 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Lady Gaga once wore a raw meat dress.


[10:19:46 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : what did they do, sow steaks together to make it?


[10:19:52 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : She was also once carried onto an award show's stage inside an egg.


[10:19:55 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Lol, probably.


[10:20:00 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : PETA went ballistic, I think.


[10:20:17 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : And she wants her friends to be confused about her form?


[10:20:28 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : She wants her friends to think she's cool.


[10:20:38 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Obviously she's succumbing to peer pressure and making excuses for it.


[10:20:39 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : strange person, I would think you'd prefer to be known as a human not as a stick of dynamite


[10:21:05 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Saying she wants to "be who I wanna be" and then saying "I keep fighting to stay cool on the streets" is an obvious contradiction.


[10:21:19 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : If you want to be who you want to be, why do you care if others find you cool?


[10:22:02 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : ...I should post a debate topic about Lady Gaga.


[10:22:09 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : So lady gaga is a person who dies if her hair gets cut off, who thinks her substance is hair, and wants her friends to think her nature is that of an explosive?


[10:22:10 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : "Lady Gaga: Good or Bad?"


[10:22:18 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : NO WONDER I NEVER LIKED HER


[10:22:23 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Zar:


[10:22:53 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : QUICK


[10:22:58 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : WE NEED THIS HISTORY


Recommended Comments

Iunno, that's the impression I get from "those are the people who...". It doesn't seem to leave room for any exceptions.

And I should say that from what I've experienced, most people that dislike Nickelback dislike pop just as much.

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And I should say that from what I've experienced, most people that dislike Nickelback dislike pop just as much.


Nickelback is kind of pop-rock, so I find that statement very believable. :P

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Nah, the people who hate Nickelback are the people whose musical taste goes beyond repetitive, simplistic, generic rock ripped off from the likes of Pearl Jam and Headstones with inane lyrics and a singer who sounds like he's choking to death on sandpaper.

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