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Oh Man, Oh Man





I.... I think I'm in love*.


*Sorry Nukaya I promise you are best girlfriend and Spider-Man could never replace you ever.


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I saw it Premier night, it's absolutely beautiful.


At first i kinda thought it'd be redundant to make a movie that would do basically the same thing the "original" movie did... but I think this'll be much better after seeing the trailer.

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Still don't like the Lizard's face. Also he's naked.


I guess growing up with the 1994 cartoon series has had an effect on me.


I'm still cautiously optimistic about this though. Especially since he's making more quips.



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Still don't like the Lizard's face. Also he's naked.I guess growing up with the 1994 cartoon series has had an effect on me.I'm still cautiously optimistic about this though. Especially since he's making more quips.~U_K~

That's the same series I grew up on (though I also watched all of Spider-Man Unlimited, and the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon, and I've read every issue of Ultimate Spider-Man up until Peter died), and yeah it'd be cool if the Lizard had that snout. But man, this looks way too cool for me to complain about.

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Ah, okay. I remember hearing something a while ago about there being a Ultimate Spider-Man TV series.

That starts on April 1 on Disney XD.

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The thing that makes me happiest about this movie is that Spider-Man will actually be making quips all the time during the fights.


Will he? Man, this should be good then. I had read about how it'd be dark and stuff, and somehow I assumed Peter Parker would be even angstier and less sarcastic, which in my mind is the exact opposite of what needed to be done to the original movies. But if Spidey really acts like the wisecracking ##### he is in the comics, I might give this movie a shot.

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The thing that makes me happiest about this movie is that Spider-Man will actually be making quips all the time during the fights.
Will he? Man, this should be good then. I had read about how it'd be dark and stuff, and somehow I assumed Peter Parker would be even angstier and less sarcastic, which in my mind is the exact opposite of what needed to be done to the original movies. But if Spidey really acts like the wisecracking ##### he is in the comics, I might give this movie a shot.

Yes, he's really sarcastic and wisecracking in the trailer, and the reports from the sizzle reel say the same. The director has said that this was a big thing he wanted to make sure made it into the film, since it was missing in Raimi's Spider-Man movies.

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The thing that makes me happiest about this movie is that Spider-Man will actually be making quips all the time during the fights.

I'm especially glad he's making his own web!


But yeah, more sarcasm and quips FTW.



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