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I'm Not Even Kidding This May Just Be My Best Idea Ever



I was just throwing around BZPRPG ideas when I stumbled upon what may possibly be my greatest idea yet. Which isn't hard, cause this is really only my second year.


(side note: many people seem to think I'm an all-powerful veteran with limitless knowledge and vast experience. Seriously guys. If I were to attend Hogwarts, this would be the year my wand broke and made me start spewing slugs)


Anyway, I'm going to start an organization dedicated to the eradication of all "impure" elements on Mata-Nui. This organization will be led by a Turaga named The Elder of Elders, and will quite possibly be a lot of fun. Twisted fun, but fun nonetheless.


Or not.


But I'm super excited. If enthusiasm were measured in bubbles I would be a bubble machine.


Um, so if anyone is interested in a rather racist faction that promises to kill people, let me know. Cause I'd hate to be racist all by myself.


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Antrim did indeed try and do this. I postponed him and his agenda, along with Senegal, since my ideas were being siphoned off to other plots, though I do have those characters in my back pocket.

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It seems things are finally shaping up in the RPG.


The staff plot is back.


Veterans are returning


Plots are forming left and right.


Yup, things are getting fun.

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I assume we're killing Skakdi and Vortixx, correct? Along with the custom species? Also including those of the Matoran species that are allied with them, and refuse to turn to the correct side?


Hehehe...I've got someone in the makes soon.

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