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Scanty Demon


BZP style moderation. Seriously half of the topics on the boards would not last a day on BZP ("if you met a makuta", "story contest 2"(that is not an actual contest), et cetera). Admittedly LMBs are aimed at a younger audience, perhaps younger than BZP's, so that could explain some of the comments. Plus with BZP style moderation, the LMBs would be way more tolerable.


In other news I'm considering doing a "Top Ten list of greatest quotes from the LMBs" and maybe having a Trixie and Twilight travel blog where they travel to an alternate universe and having wacky adventures in a different country. Ideas?


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The LMBs don't need anything. They are absolutely perfect the way they are. If anything, I'd say it's BZP that needs more incoherent posts and ugly emoticons and Hero Factory shipping wars.

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I just find it hilarious that that topic contains little kids getting disgusted over the thought of romance--even as a joke. Also, these are the best two posts from that thread:


wait..... nex is younger then breeze by quite a few years..... by the way, can robots actually marry (i'm being serious, hero factory characters are robots last time i check robots don't get married).


Okay, in Ordeal of Fire, Furno and Breez had some weird moments(all of which I hated) but this just crosses the line. I mean, Savage Planet was the best yet, but this just PROVES LEGO is either sticking with their childish tendencies or their just messing with us fans. I gotta say, I feel bad for Breez. Being the only girl Hero in the main line has proved to be pressuring. I've said this kinda thing before and I'll say it again - LOSE THE ROBOT ROMANCE, LEGO!


Yes, robots can absolutely marry. Because they totally exist.

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What MLB needs is to be hanged, drawn, and quartered.


Also, I wish all those, let's say "wild" places on the internet realized that LMB is such a good target for them to attack and troll the heck out of.

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Also, I wish all those, let's say "wild" places on the internet realized that LMB is such a good target for them to attack and troll the heck out of.


Seriously? But there are already so many (unintentional) trolls on the LMBs. :P

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Personally I think the "nex and brezz smooch smooch" one was better. =/


I don't know. It seemed a bit too predictable. The others indicated an actual attempt to make a genuine argument or ask a real question--both backfiring horribly and adding an element of schadenfreude--, whereas most of the rest are just noobish stuff like "omg their in luv!?!?" or "smooch smooch."

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HF shipping?They're robots.Robots!Robots!


Shipping is easier with robots. Have you ever tried to ship a live animal? Keeping them alive until arrival is hard work!

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