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Explosive News!



As of tonight I have finished editing BIONICLE: The Legend Exploded, the sequel to my comedy from last year, BIONICLE: The Legend Reloaded, which was a TLR parody. It was epic, to say the least.


It is 19 chapters long - way shorter than TLReloaded's 34, but this is because I was not aiming for a specific word count, whereas I wrote TLReloaded during NaNoWriMo, which is why it was as long as it was. Rest assured, though, that TLE is going to be just as epic as TLReloaded, if not a little bit more epic.


Because the prologue is basically a recap of the events of the last comedy, I am going to be posting both the prologue and first chapter together in one post tomorrow. I tried to make the prologue as funny as I could, but I want this comedy to have a strong start, so I figure posting the prolgue with the first chapter ought to be strong enough.


For those who don't know, TLE is a parody of the unreleased BIONICLE 5 movie. It is based off the story treatment Greg posted on his blog not too long ago, but as with TLReloaded, I have taken some major liberties with the plot in order to make it both funnier and more epic (and by epic I mean crazy awesome).


So tomorrow, keep an eye on the Comedies forum for the explosive beginning to BIONICLE: The Legend Exploded! (pun intended)




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Uh, didn't Greg release that script for the fifth movie in 2009?


Cuz that was like, over 2 years ago. That seems like a long time in internet time.

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Finally can't wait to read it. BTW are almost done with your chapter our little project? If your not, take your time.


I'm getting close, but I'm feeling sick again, so I may not get any work done on it today.


Uh, didn't Greg release that script for the fifth movie in 2009?Cuz that was like, over 2 years ago. That seems like a long time in internet time.


Oh, yeah. Wasn't sure exactly when that was, but thanks for telling me.



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