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"lego" News, Reference And Discussion



It's like it's not a Bionicle site anymore...


If you ask me, it's a sign that Bionicle is dying forever, as if no-one is interested anymore.


And Tohu approves of this? I thought he thrived on Bionicle!


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Chols: Keeping hold of a dream that may still come true. Never say never.


BioGio: Not a bad idea!

My next entry will be about Scouts and how horrible it was for me. Might add some naming and shaming there too.

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MoO: I don't know if that's the best idea. Maybe keep slight hope and interest; but... It's like Legends 3. Canceled last summer, and knowing Capcom, it'll never be released unless they can milk 100 versions of it.

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Alright. That's your decision, and I respect it. I repeat though that the chance of Bionicle returning is incredibly low at best, so I do hope you do not get so worked up in your desires that they only lead to disappointment.

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I'm seeing "26 Comments" and then immediately below the blue line MoZ's post about how he doesn't like Kumbaya. Screenshot.

Oh good, cuz I got confused by everyone not seeing it, and removed that comment... :blush:


I still hate Scouts BTW.

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Something to keep in mind is that with BIONICLE gone, we don't want the site to be dependent on its return, any more than we want ourselves to be dependent on its return. And Makuta of Oz, I think you're having difficulty understanding either of these things.


BIONICLE was great. A lot of us (including myself) enjoyed it thoroughly for nine long years. We put many hours of work into MOCs, and artwork, and stories, and all scores of other things. We devoted many hours of our attention to the intricacies of the story and sets, debating what we thought the future held, what we thought could be improved about the present, and what we thought had been kept or lost from the past.


And those hours we devoted to all these things did not go to waste. Did we get the outcome we liked? Some of us did, some of us didn't. But really, who cares? It wasn't about the outcome. It was about the experience.


Even if BIONICLE had stayed around, we'd have been fools to abandon our lives to the whims of a toy company. Instead, we took an active role in enjoying BIONICLE. We didn't just enjoy it because it was spoon-fed to us by clever marketing executives, writers, and designers. We created our own reasons for enjoying it, and we picked and chose what parts we enjoyed most.


Now that it's over, we have to get used to the fact that we can no longer schedule our lives around BIONICLEstory.com updates or set releases. We have to recognize that the same brilliant, imaginative minds that inspired and gave life to BIONICLE in the first place have moved on to other things. We don't have to like these other things, but acting as if there's no longer anything to enjoy is foolish.


BIONICLE was just one mix of traits, and it was far from perfect. We all enjoyed it for our own personal reasons. Now what remains for us is to find which of these reasons are still important to us and where we can find the traits that satisfy these same conditions.


I've found some of them in Hero Factory, and some in Ninjago, and some in webcomics like Girl Genius and TV shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender. None of these things have all the traits that I liked in BIONICLE. Some of them have traits that were absent from BIONICLE entirely. It doesn't matter. I can't think of any way a fan's mind could be warped to the point that one thing and only one thing can satisfy them, and I don't believe yours is this way at all. The traits you loved in BIONICLE are also present in other things, but you have to put forth the effort to look for them.


I'm not saying to forget BIONICLE. You can go on enjoying it. I still enjoy some aspects of it, and I'd enjoy a lot more of them if I weren't so disillusioned with the BIONICLE fandom and their perpetual disagreements. I still appreciate a beautiful drawing of Tahu, and I still appreciate a brilliant MOC of Matoro. But I've learned to seek out enjoyment in other things as well. Because BIONICLE is no longer going to hand me new things to enjoy on a silver platter, and so I have to look for new experiences on my own.

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I'm seeing "26 Comments" and then immediately below the blue line MoZ's post about how he doesn't like Kumbaya. Screenshot.

This is actually a weird problem the board has sometimes in entries with a lot of comments. It usually happens when you follow a link to a comment and not to the entry itself. I've had it numerous times when dealing with reports, and it can get frustrating.

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Another thing to point out is that we HAVE diversified. If BIONICLE returns, then what? Are we supposed to lock all the general LEGO topics, or corral them into a single limiting board? No, even if BIONICLE returns (and it's unlikely that it will), BZPower will remain a general LEGO fansite with a focus on BIONICLE. From here there is no turning back.

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When did Lego say it was NEVER comming back?Also, it IS dead. Heck, even Greg's abandoned us.

They've said that through the mouth of Jim Foulds at every convention where he's been asked about it.

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When did Lego say it was NEVER comming back?Also, it IS dead. Heck, even Greg's abandoned us.
They've said that through the mouth of Jim Foulds at every convention where he's been asked about it.

Ahh. K.

*Goes to Google, to find out who Jim Foulds is*

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When did Lego say it was NEVER comming back?Also, it IS dead. Heck, even Greg's abandoned us.
They've said that through the mouth of Jim Foulds at every convention where he's been asked about it.
Ahh. K.*Goes to Google, to find out who Jim Foulds is*

He's the guy in charge of TLG's community relations stuff. He's the community coordinator's boss (formerly Steve Witt and now Kevin Hinkle).

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When did Lego say it was NEVER comming back?Also, it IS dead. Heck, even Greg's abandoned us.
They've said that through the mouth of Jim Foulds at every convention where he's been asked about it.
Ahh. K.*Goes to Google, to find out who Jim Foulds is*
He's the guy in charge of TLG's community relations stuff. He's the community coordinator's boss (formerly Steve Witt and now Kevin Hinkle).

Ohh. Okay.

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Bionicle is Lego, the acronym BZPower stands for Bionicle Zone Power, and the masthead icon is a gigantic bionicle head. It'd be obvious to anyone what we're about.

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I just remembered: there's a rumour going around Lego's CUUSOO site that releasing individual Bionicle sets might be possible if they get enough support. If they release enough of the right sets that way, then MAYBE I'll back down.

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I just remembered: there's a rumour going around Lego's CUUSOO site that releasing individual Bionicle sets might be possible if they get enough support. If they release enough of the right sets that way, then MAYBE I'll back down.

Of course that would be possible; they're not going to turn down a Cuusoo proposal that has widespread support just because it's something they decided to stop making, especially since they still own the rights to the franchise.


Of course, I've seen maybe one BIONICLE-related Cuusoo proposal I especially liked. Most of them are just shallow attempts at getting stuff that we allegedly "missed out on". There are few I've seen that actually do a good job of celebrating what was memorable and enjoyable about the theme rather than try to make up for its supposed failures.


In any even the theme as a whole isn't going to come back through Cuusoo. It takes more than a vote or petition to show that there's demand for a theme. It takes real market research, and only TLG is capable of doing that.

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I don't feel like replying to this in the same capacity that many other have, cause they/ve said it far better than I could.


However i do have to comment on your taking offence at Deevs saying Bionicle is dead.


You're the guy who says Bionicle's been "banned" from you. You're the guy who made an unfair generalization about Gamers, You're the one that's told the majority of BZPower that they're not Bionicle fans, or that BZPower doesn't care about Bionicle's end, simply because they aren't actively going to work to get Bionicle Back.


If anyone has something to be offended about, it's the people visiting your blog.

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In my defence, I never said the other BZPers aren't Bionicle fans at all, I just see the passion fading away. I know from my own experience, though, that that doesn't mean anyone has lost interest completely.


I'm closing this because it's beginning to get nasty.

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